Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Why Does Conflict Arise in Organizations - 3618 Words
Why does conflict arise in organizations, and how it can be managed ABSTRACT This essay seeks to illustrate how organizational conflict cannot be avoided. It will demonstrate the various ways in which conflict may arise within organizations and classify them into a range of groups. There will be a thorough analysis to show if conflict is positive or negative towards the growth of an organization. Findings of the previous will then lead to different mechanisms that can be used when managing conflict to ensure positive outcomes in an organization. The aforementioned will be supported by relevant theories, which will assist in reinforcing the validity of this essay. INTRODUCTION In this era of rapid development organizations are formed†¦show more content†¦Conflict within us very often leads to conflict with others. Interpersonal Conflict occurs between two or more individuals. We might get into a heated debate in a meeting, get in an argument with a coworker, or have a bad encounter with our boss. This is the type of conflict we are most concerned with in this workshop, although our discussion has bearing on the other types. Intergroup Conflict occurs between groups: nations, gangs, work areas, etc. For example, your department at work might have an ‘us vs. them’ attitude about some other department. Intra/ Interpersonal and Intergroup was taken from a Business Management skills article from Dave Neal found on http://www.scarecrowworkshops.com/b-conflict-management.html The Process of Conflict diagram will help illustrate why conflict arise in organizations, this was taken from Stephen Robbins, Organizational Behaviour, 10th ed.2003 [pic] Stage 1 shows some of the conditions that has the capacity to develop conflict A break down in communication is significant in contributing to conflict .The true sense of communication is for the receiving party to understand what the sender is communicating in order to attain the right feedback. The bereaucratic nature of an organization facilitate the process of unsuccessful communication. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Satiation Free Essays
Satiation is a term that is often used in everyday life. However, it is also a behavioral principle with psychological foundations. The main goal of this paper is to develop a comprehensive understanding of satiation as a behavioral principle. We will write a custom essay sample on Satiation or any similar topic only for you Order Now This will be done through a thorough analysis of two previous investigations utilizing the concept of satiation. The investigations will include two types: one applied and one basic or experimental. The applied investigation that will be utilized and analyzed is a paper completed by Kahng, Iwata, Thompson, Hanley (2000) on differentiating satiation versus extinction effects for noncontingent reinforcement schedules. The basic investigation that will be utilized is one conducted by Pierce, Epling, Boer (1986) on satiation and deprivation as related to the interaction between food and wheel running. The mechanism by which satiation was able to act in the two investigations will be identified. The differences and similarities in the role satiation played in both investigations will also be analyzed. Introduction Satiation is a concept that can be applied to a number of different actions. The act of being satiated, for example, can be related to different behaviors such as eating, drinking, and pleasure-seeking. Although it is a single word, the term satiation has wide and varied applications. This is also due to the fact that it is a term encompassing numerous other basic underpinnings. In the everyday use of the word, satiation refers to the act of being satiated. It is similar in meaning to being full and satisfied. Satisfaction in terms of having enough to eat, for example, is satiation in action. In fact, satiation will be conceived by the layman to be an event beyond satisfaction. Satiation is being at the maximum capacity of whatever one is satiated with. There is no more room for more. To the layman, satiation is linked to feelings of contentment and pleasure. Technically, satiation is defined as the point wherein the organism under study stops eating or engaging in the behavior under examination. This halting of action indicates that the activity has been performed long enough for the organism to have achieved the goals set for initiating the activity. This explains why satiation would be linked to layman definitions such as fullness and satisfaction. The purpose of the present paper is to develop a scientific and more precise understanding of satiation. It is hoped that the mechanism of satiation with regards to deprivation in relation to food and wheel running and also to extinction effects under noncontingent reinforcement schedules will be understood. In general, the paper aims to develop a clearer understanding of satiation as a behavioral principle. A comparison of two ways by which satiation operates will be the means establish this understanding. Research Review A review of previous research is the main means of the present paper at achieving its goals. Two different investigations will be analyzed – one applied investigation and one basic investigation. Identifying Satiation versus Extinction Effects Kahng, Iwata, Thompson, Hanley (2000) investigated the possibility of formulating a method for identifying satiation versus extinction effects under noncontingent reinforcement schedules. The main goal of the study was to understand whether the suppression of a response during noncontingent reinforcement schedules in experiments was caused by extinction or by satiation. Participants and Setting The study involved the participation of 3 individuals with developmental disabilities and who engaged in self injurious behavior and other forms of agression. The participants were two females, ages 43 and 31, and one male, age 25. Communication with the participants was done through gestures such as pointing. All three lived in a state residential facility with developmental disabilities. The study was performed in therapy rooms located at the said residential facility. Response Measurement The independent variables in the study were satiation and extinction which were measured through the experimenter’s assessment and treatment procedures. These included delivery of instructions, prompting, praise upon compliance, and turning away upon non-compliance. Dense reinforcement schedules of the independent variable would imply satiation as it would include more presentations of the reinforcer during a given time period. Thin reinforcement schedules, on the other hand, would indicate extinction. The dependent variable included the target behavior, which was either self injurious behavior (SIB) or aggression, in the participants. These behaviors included skin picking, hand or arm biting, hitting, scratching, pinching, and kicking. The data for SIB was noted on computers and were recorded in terms of number of responses per minute. The effects of the experiment were measured via a multiple baseline across subjects design. This involved the comparison of baseline rates of SIB and aggression with rates of SIB and aggression under noncontingent reinforcement schedules utilized in the experiment. Procedures The procedure of the experiment was divided into two phases. Phase 1 included the functional analysis and Phase 2 included the analysis of responses during and after noncontingent reinforcement. Phase 1 was conducted according to five different assessment conditions: play, tangible, attention, demand, and alone. Of these, tangible, attention, demand, and alone were experimental conditions while play was a control condition. In the tangible condition, the experimenter was present in the room and would deliver food to the participant if SIB or aggression was noted. In the attention condition, the participant had access to leisure materials in the room and the experimenter would ignore the participant except when SIB or aggression was noted to which the experimenter would respond with brief attention and light physical contact. In the demand setup, the experimenter would give instructions on a fixed-time 30-s schedule which would merit praise upon the participants compliance. If SIB or aggression was noted, the experimenter would cease all interaction and would turn away until the next trial. In the alone setup, the participant was simply left alone in a room with access to leisure materials. The play setup was a control setup that involved access to leisure materials. The experimenter was always present and gave noncontingent attention on a fixed-time 30-s schedule. There were no instructions given to the participant and SIB or aggression was ignored. For Phase 2, the same reinforcements present in Phase 1 were used. For the baseline experimental sessions lasted 10 minutes each with reinforcers delivered on a continuous schedule.. For noncontingent reinforcement sessions, fixed-time schedules were applied and SIB or aggression was ignored. Schedule thinning and terminal schedules for each participant was utilized. Extinction sessions or post-noncontingent reinforcement sessions lasted 20 minutes after every noncontingent reinforcement session; conditions were similar to that at baseline except that no reinforcers were delivered. Results The results of Phase 1 of the study showed that all three participants engagement in SIB and aggression were due to social-positive reinforcement. The male participant’s problem behavior occurred most frequently during the tangible setup while the two female participants’ problem behavior occurred most frequently during the attention setup. For Phase 2, it was seen that noncontingent reinforcement sessions automatic declines in the rate of problem behavior of the participants. The investigation showed that the mechanism, whether satiation or extinction, of noncontingent reinforcements may be different across individuals and that these may also change during the period of the treatment. This was evidenced by the different reactions of the three participants to thick and thin fixed-time schedules where the male exhibited satiation during thin noncontingent reinforcement schedules and one of the female participants exhibited extinction during the dense noncontingent reinforcement schedules. Contributions One of the main contributions of the study is in the finding that thin noncontingent reinforcement schedules could produce satiation. This was an unexpected finding and was inconsistent with previous investigations that showed thick noncontingent reinforcement schedules to be the ones that produce satiation effects. The understanding that reaction to noncontingent reinforcements may be idiosyncratic across individuals implies that the mechanisms behind reactions to noncontingent reinforecements can be arrived at through observations similar to that conducted for the study. This will have numerous applications in the medical field. If dense schedules of noncontingent reinforcement schedules can produce satiation effects, as stated by the results of the study, there might no longer be any need for extinction sessions to take place. Also, if extinction plays a greater role than satiation in behavior suppression during noncontingent reinforcement, individuals applying the treatment should be made aware that there is a possibility of an increase in responses to occur temporarily during the transition. The findings and methodology of the study can also be extended to include other behavior-reduction techniques and not just noncontingent reinforcement. Limitations The study had several limitations. Pinpointing the true mechanism behind behavior suppression was indirect because the schedules used contained an extinction component. The analysis of the findings were also dependent on expected response patterns caused by satiation versus extinction, which could be caused by other factors. Also, the intervals for the extinction sessions were chosen arbitrarily and were not based on empirical data. Longer and shorter intervals might have led to different results. Also, the differences in the results of all three participants caused a limitation in the conclusions that could be drawn regarding satiation, extinction, behavior suppression, and noncontingent reinforcement. Deprivation and Satiation Pierce, Epling, and Boer (1986) also conducted an investigation to better understand the effects of satiation and deprivation on behavior. The main goal of the study was to assess the reinforcement power of food for wheel running when rats were deprived and also for when rats were satiated. The entire study was thus divided into two experiments: Expirement 1 which involved deprivation and Experiment 2 which involved satiation. Participants and Setting The subjects for Experiment 1 were 5 female and 4 male Sprague-Dawley rats. Upon the initiation of the experiment, the rats were all 50 days old. For Experiment 2, 4 male Sprague-Dawley rats, all of which were 45 days old were used. The dietary needs of the rats, nutrition and water, were always kept available in the cages where the rats were placed when they weren’t in the experimentation set-up. The rats cages which were kept under continuous light and temperature conditions. The room in which the cages were located was always at approximately 20 degrees Celsius. Experiment 1 took place in a room with a running wheel (Wahmann Co. ) with a solenoid-operated brake. The equipment used by the experimenters for programming and recording the rats activities on the wheel were placed in a separate room. Expeiment 2 employed 2 running wheels (Wahmann Co. ), one that freely turned and one that was locked. Another modified activity wheel was used. This turned when a motorized metal shaft was rotated. The experiment took place in an operant-conditioning chamber with a pellet feeder, houselight and response lever. This was placed in an enclosure with a fan that provided masking noise. Control and recording apparatus were again placed in a separate room. Response Measurement The independent variables in the study were deprivation (Experiment 1) and satiation (Experiment 2). Deprivation was measured by the decrease in the rats’ body weight. Satiation, on the other hand, was measured by a decrease in frequency of the rat’s wheel running behavior. The dependent variable for Experiment 1 was the reinforcement effectiveness of wheel running for the rats. The dependent variable was measured by the highest ratio to be completed and the total number of lever presses. In Experiment 2, the dependent variable was the reinforcement effectiveness of food. The total number of presses the rats made on the food-reinforced lever measured the dependent variable. Procedures For Experiment 1, a progressive-ratio schedule was utilized to determine the potency of wheel turning as a reinforcer when the rats were either deprived or not deprived of food. A fixed number of lever presses released the solenoid-brake on the running wheel for 60-s. The fixed number of lever presses required for the release of the wheel was increased systematically until the rat stopped pressing the lever after a period of 1 hour had elapsed or until 8 hours had elapsed. For Experiment 2, three procedures were employed: progressive ratio, variable interval, and forced running. Prior to implementing the progressive ratio and the variable interval procedures, rats were placed for 19 hours in a running wheel with access to water. The experimental setup had wheels that turned while the control setup had wheels that were locked. They were also deprived of food for 20 hours. For the progressive ratio, the rats were then placed in an operant chamber where 45-mg food pellets would be released after a fixed number of level presses had been done. The required number of lever presses increased incrementally after each pellet release until 8 hours had elapsed or until the rat had stopped responding for a 1 hour duration. For the variable interval, continued lever pressing produced food pellets based ona variable interval 30-s schedule. After 60 food pellets had been dispensed, the session would be stopped. When an interreinforcement schedule went beyond 1 hour, the session was also terminated. For the forced running procedure, a motorized wheel was used to force running. The run was equivalent to 750 wheel turns and was based on the turns generated by the rats from the previous procedures. Throughout the day of forced running, the rat was deprived of food. This meant that this rat underwent 44 hours of food deprivation as opposed to the 20 hours of deprivation experienced by the other rats for Experiment 2. After the total number of turns for the forced run was completed, the rat was tested on a variable interval 30-s food reinforcement schedule through a procedure similar to the variable interval procedure. Results In Experiment 1, seven of the 9 rats were recorded to spend less time in the experimental setup when they were at 100% of their body weight as opposed to when they were at 75% of their body weight. Higher ratios of lever pressing were also sustained when the rats were food deprived. The rats responses increased as deprivation became more severe. However, at the most severe deprivation levels, responses decreased. This suggested an inverted-U function between deprivation and reinforcement effectiveness of wheel running. In Experiment 2, fewer lever presses were made during the progressive ratio schedule. The number of food-reinforced lever presses and the accomplished ratios were smaller when the rats had been allowed to run on the wheel as opposed to when they were not. Responding also occurred less frequently during the variable interval schedule. Rats that been placed in the locked wheels showed equivalent responses to those that had simply been placed in the home cage. This showed that food reinforcement was not affected by mere placement in a wheel. Those that had been placed in the open wheel, however, showed a significant decrease in lever pressing upon introduction of the variable interval 30-s schedule of reinforcement. The rat placed in the forced running procedure was shown to have almost twice the number of lever presses as the other rats. This may have been due to the fact that it was subject to 44 hours of food deprivation while the other rats were only placed under 20 hours of food deprivation. Lever pressing for the forced running procedure was reduced from 39. 6 responses per minute to 3. 6 responses per minute. This is a significant decrease in local response rate. Contributions The contributions of the investigation is in its finding that food deprivation increases reinforcement effectiveness of wheel running and that satiation decreases the reinforcement effectiveness of food. A major contribution of the findings is in the fact that forced running more effectively decreases the effectiveness of food reinforcement. The study was the first to attain scientific measurements and numerical values to back up these claims regarding the operation of deprivation and satiation. Further research regarding the effects of deprivation and satiation on reinforcing properties of certain activities and substances will be encouraged by the success of the findings of the Pierce et al. (1986) study. The limitations of the study include the possibility of warm up effects in the rats. The differences between closed and open wheel setups were also exaggerated with the progress of the sessions because of the long intervals that began to crop up in between responses. Comparison between sessions and procedures was then made more difficult. Also the rats used for the experiment were sedentary and this might have caused their responses to be exaggerated. In a population that had free access to wheel running, the same treatment might not have the same effects. It is clear that satiation played an important role in both the basic investigation as well as the applied investigation. In both investigations, satiation was studied in contrast to another behavioral principle; extinction for the applied investigation and deprivation for the basic investigation. One distinct difference between the two investigations is in the fact that in the applied research, satiation was expected to lead to an increase in the desired behavior or response. In the basic research, however, satiation was expected to lead to a decrease in the desired response. This difference shows the dynamic nature of satiation in the behavioral processes of an organism. In the basic research, satiation was able to show that two behavioral principles can have effects on one event while successfully altering reinforcement effectiveness of another event. In the case of the experiment deprivation-satiation operations with respect to wheel running altered the reinforcing properties of food. Deprivation-satiation operations also altered the reinforcement effectiveness of wheel running with regard to food. That is that satiation is able to work with another behavioral principle reciprocally. In the applied research, the mechanism of satiation was similar to that of extinction. It was a question of which principle could more effectively bring about the desired response and behavior. It is clear, then, that satiation or the organism’s tendency to feel full or to have enough of a given activity or substance has multi-faceted qualities. Achievement of satiation can result in a decrease in certain behavior and an increase in others. Also, it may interact with other behavioral principles reciprocally or take the same mechanism of others. How to cite Satiation, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Chain Management of Pharmaceutical Companies-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Global Logistics and supply Chain Management of Pharmaceutical Companies. Answer: Introduction The report discusses the strategies followed by pharmaceutical companies to be successful in its sector. As it is a very critical sector therefore each phase of the supply chain has to be responsibly undertaken. The example, undertaken is of Roche Company, which is a successful pharmaceutical company and the various logistic management strategies of the company is studied. The report discusses the deficiencies that are incurred during the manufacturing and distribution of the pharmaceutical products and if these deficiencies are avoided, then any unsuccessful company can take a turn towards being a successful company. The various reasons of the success of good supply chain management are discussed via the example discussed below: Successful Pharmaceuticals companies like Roche make effective strategies to reduce counterfeit medicines in comparison to unsuccessful pharma companies. Strategies used for success Few of these strategies are as shown below: Logistics Medicines which have suffered unlawful events are imported as finished products with more safety and automated lines. The products are transferred through manufacturers who are the product owners to distributors through safe inventory system. Managers order and make invoices on behalf of manufacturers and collects payments too. Logistic operators are responsible for packing, picking and transporting material safe handedly to the warehouse. The whole process if analyzed for better results and output (Grimald, 2012). Drug Regulatory Measures Unsuccessful companies hampers drug regulatory measures like they dont hire qualified staff and machinery, there is poor coordination in systems, weak supply chain and lack of proper monitoring. However, successful companies, have structured drug regulatory measures. There is proper implementation of systems and stakeholders are also interviewed in a structured manner. Successful pharmaceutical companies implement better communication, collect feedbacks from customers and other complaints and prepare successful supply chain and logistic strategies to protect drug counterfeit. Few regulatory measures which successful companies practice are fragmenting drug regulatory responsibility for better implementation of tasks. These companies manage their shortcoming in a better way and their supply chain is always audited at each and every step to avoid counterfeit medicines. Unsuccessful companies are ineffective due to corruption, weak communication system, and poor coordination, lack of fin ance and shortage of effective human resource personnel. On site Quality Surveillance and Inspection Systems Successful companies focus on efficient and cost effective ways for surveillance and inspection of large samples of drugs in the company. Pilot Project in Tanzania used a thin layer chromatography to test in their drug quality. This pilot project helped to improve the testing capacity and improve the quality of medicines; this technique was cheap and required simple training. Many batches have been tested with this technique with the aim to improve quality of the final medicines produced. Hence, successful companies like this follow a inspection system in order to check their drug quality before it is finally prepared. This includes very less costs, but provides greater benefits (Fadlallah, et al., 2016). Similarly, there are several factors that have to be taken care of while working in a pharmaceutical sector. It is a very critical business as it involves the life and death of the patients. There are various factors and concerns that have been listed, which needs to be addressed if a company seeks to be a successful company in a pharmaceutical supply chain. There is no proper or insufficient temperature management of storehouse and also the means of transportation of products of both cold chain and room temperature products. The packaging and the means of transportation also do not get approved properly and remain in that state for the whole duration of the delivery time The training of staff in GDP (Good distribution Practice) is very crucial to maintain the standards and composition of the ingredients of the product. In the absence of which, various unauthorized activities take place; while distribution of the product that should be dealt with stringently. Also in terms of employment, the role and the specific tasks of the staff are not defined and thereby the work does not take place in compliance with the license conditions Competitive advantage The distribution of the pharmaceutical products accounts to be a very essential activity of the integrated supply chain management of the pharmaceutical products. There are numerous number of agencies that are involved in the handling, storing and distributing the pharmaceutical products. The competitive advantage and success will be for those companies which take ownership of all the phases that are involved in the distribution process and the entire supply chain. Another important point for having a competitive edge is that it is important that storing of the drug products is as per required conditions of the temperature, humidity and the light which would result in better identity, strength, quality and purity of the pharmaceutical products. Finally, for the success of the industry as a whole it is very important that the whole sellers comply with the principles of good distribution practices. The main focus should be on the quality. The quality system should be adequate. Every activity needs to be controlled even the drivers should be trained properly as it is analyzed that the drivers those are responsible for the pharmaceutical products are not trained properly. Therefore, the risk and due diligence should be properly carried out in every minor activity also of the supply chain (Trapsida Desta, 2017). Strategies followed for competitive advantage Public Awareness: A successful pharmaceutical company will always work to increase public awareness and educate their target audience unlike an unsuccessful company which is least bothered about it. Public awareness camp was organized on counterfeit medicines by Mali and Mauritania to influence students and check the efficiency of their camp. Students could recall that there is need for reducing the dangers in medicine by seeing posters and they were convinced that there is better need to have control on drug outlets. Through this study, it was found that these campaigns will show better results and can make a company more successful when better channels will be used like that of media channels, distribution of posters in public places and proper communication of the message to the target audience. Online customers can also be targeted to increase their knowledge about counterfeit medicines (Muthoni, 2014). Companies which organize these kinds of surveys and public awareness campaign s, sets a positive image in front of their customers. This strategy will help to portray itself positively in from of its customers and finally help them increase their profits in the long run. Also, this will bring competitive advantage to a pharmaceutical company to survive in the long run. Step by step segregation of tasks: Many other effective strategies have been followed in various countries. Some of them includes, firstly, division of responsibilities which will help to reduce duplication of work and wastage, the tasks can be implemented judiciously. Secondly, Implementation of tasks under full coordination and delegating tasks for better accountability. Thirdly, Allocating right resources to the right function (Fadlallah, et al., 2016). Fourthly, checking the authenticity of the drug, from where it came and who manufactured it, fifthly, to check and inspect the documents guidelines and points are being fulfilled. Sixthly, to make sure that human resource personnel are being available. Seventh, ensuring the financial mechanism is being checked and lastly maintain balance among all drug regulatory functions. Rules and regulations: It is important for a successful pharmaceutical company to follow all rules and laws related to counterfeit medicines. Few companies in Nigeria do not have laws governing to sale, distribution, import or export to control the illegal system in the society. Hence, even if a country does not follow such rules, it is important that companies themselves become liable and provide quality products to the society (Ingelheim, 2017). Sync between the processes: To ensure success in a pharmaceutical company it is imperative that the people those are involved in each stage and in each process of the supply chain work in sync with each other to make sure that supply chain integrity and compliance is addressed. It is also analyzed that the failures are due to human errors. A large number of reported defective medicines are not due to failure of technology, but due to human error (LaTorre-Snyder, 2016). Counterfeit alertness is very essential to provide quality products, proper measures and adequate methods should be taken while delivering the products. There is an increase in the growth of counterfeiting all over the world, in the developed countries, it accounts for 1%, whereas in case of developing countries it is around 10%. The main reason is that the customers or the patients take a short cut and order medicines over the internet. There are various cases of selling counterfeiting medicines over the internet and that is why now certain steps are taken to make aware the masses convince them to use a real prescription while taking medicines, failing to do so, can result in very serious consequences like death. It is very essential to establish control, review genuine and actual risks in multifaceted supply chains. It is also imperative to understand that what is the starting point and what is the ending point of every individual responsibility. Good practices ascertain that the q uality of the medicines is maintained. The temperatures of the environment also play a crucial role in this industry, thereby due care has to be taken to ascertain that under what weather conditions which medicines have to be stored and transported. A major challenge is that that when the temperatures of the environment rises, then the goods have to be very carefully transported while maintaining the required temperature. To ensure success in a pharmaceutical company it is imperative that the people those are involved in each stage and in each process of the supply chain work in sync with each other to make sure that supply chain integrity and compliance is addressed. It is also analyzed that the failures are due to human errors. A large number of reported defective medicines are not due to failure of technology, but due to human error Suitability in unsuccessful companies Roche is a leading company in the healthcare industry and is successful as it follows all national and government rules and provides original treatment to the patients. They are involved with the government to make better laws and rules for reducing counterfeit medicine. Roches medicines are available only through prescription and their staff is well trained to meet all requirements of the government. Contrary, illegal pharmacies which sell counterfeit medicine bring harm to customers and society. Hence, Roche recommends purchasing medicine from authorized dealers only. Roche supports the government policies and provide authorized and reliable medicines. Latest technologies have been employed for better and faster results. Therefore, the unsuccessful companies too can work on the same pattern (F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, 2017). The need of the hour is that in order to be competitive it is important to optimize the pharmaceutical supply chain and delivering it in accordance to the safety of the patient. All the stakeholders like the suppliers, manufacturers, distributors and partners who transport and allocate products to the customers must make sure that the best product quality is delivered by the distribution network by following the GDP approach. It is very important to keep and maintain the standards as the products are transported both locally and globally. Now a day in order to be successful; education, training and constructing awareness is the need of the hour to maintain and regularly improve quality and supply chain standards. Working exclusive of supply chain integrity and authenticity will fail to deliver safety to the patient (Dylst Vulto, 2013). Sustainability in Roche A pharmaceutical company impacts numerous lives around the globe by researching on various medicines and lifesaving products. Hence, it is essential for them to operate sustainability in the form of quality and safe products. They also need to simultaneously work on improved and creative therapies to meet medical emergencies. A pharmaceutical company needs to act responsibly in their code of conduct and thinking to provide significant value to the customers (Singal, 2017). Roche company is committed to sustainability. Roche works on bringing efficiency and continuous improvement in their systems and tasks of reducing counterfeit medicines. The resources and raw material are being carefully analyzed and it is also being taken care that resources are environmentally friendly with minimum wastage. Roche continues to work for minimum wastage and checking the raw material at each step to avoid counterfeit medicines. This will provide safe medicines to the people and will bring trust among people in society. The evaluation of environment and safe medicines is being done by collecting, aggregating the data from Roche website and their clients feedback. A key indicator of their performance includes: use of sustainable energy, maintaining eco-balance, safe health of their clients, training their employees, audit research and benchmarking performances for better results Recommendation Always checking the authenticity of the drug, from where it came and who manufactured it. Then to check and inspect the documents, guidelines and points are being fulfilled. To make sure that human resource personnel are being available. Ensuring the financial mechanism are being checked and lastly maintain balance among all drug regulatory functions. In order to be competitive it is important to optimize the pharmaceutical supply chain and delivering it in accordance to the safety of the patient. It is very important to keep and maintain the standards as the products are transported both locally and globally. In order to be successful; education, training and constructing awareness is the need of the hour to maintain and regularly improve quality and supply chain standards. The competitive advantage and success will be for those companies which take ownership of all the phases that are involved in the distribution process and the entire supply chain Conclusion The reason why some companies become unsuccessful in the pharmaceutical sector are that these companies do not pay enough heed to drug regulatory measures as these companies do not hire qualified staff and machinery; there is poor coordination in systems, weak supply chain and lack of proper monitoring. Whereas, the successful companies, follow structured drug regulatory measures and also hire trained employees. There is proper implementation of systems. Successful pharmaceutical companies implement better communication, collect feedbacks from customers and other complaints and prepare successful supply chain and logistic strategies to protect drug counterfeit. These companies manage their shortcoming in a better way and their supply chain is always audited at each and every step to avoid counterfeit medicines. Unsuccessful companies are also ineffective due to corrupt; there is a weak communication system, and poor coordination between different phases of the supply chain, lack of f inance and shortage of effective human resource personnel. The competitive advantage and success will be for those companies which take ownership of all the phases that are involved in the distribution process and the entire supply chain. Online customers can also be targeted to increase their knowledge about counterfeit medicines. This strategy will help to portray itself positively in from of its customers and finally help them increase their profits in the long run. Also, this will bring competitive advantage to a pharmaceutical company to survive in the long run References Dylst, P. Vulto, A., 2013. Generic medicines: solutions for a sustainable drug market?. PMC journal, 11(5), pp. 437-43. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, 2017. Fighting counterfeit products. [Online] Fadlallah, R., Annan, F. Azzam, H., 2016. Strategies and Systems-Level Interventions to Combat or Prevent Drug Counterfeiting: A Systematic Review of Evidence Beyond Effectiveness. PMC journal, 30(5), p. 263276. Fadlallah, R., El-Jardali , F., Annan, F. Azzam, H., 2016. Strategies and Systems-Level Interventions to Combat or Prevent Drug Counterfeiting: A Systematic Review of Evidence Beyond Effectiveness. Pharmaceutical Medicine journal, October, 30(5), p. 263276. Grimald, P., 2012. Roche Argentina: Fighting counterfeit medicines using a traceability system based on GS1 Standards: Healthcare Reference Book, Available at: https://www.gs1.org.ar/documentos/casos%20de%20exito/Caso_Roche.pdf Ingelheim, B., 2017. Dangers of counterfeit medicines, Available at: https://www.boehringer-ingelheim.com/sustainability/anti-counterfeiting/dangers-counterfeit-medicines LaTorre-Snyder, M., 2016. Keeping Counterfeit Medicines Out of the Supply Chain, Available at: https://www.pharmpro.com/article/2016/01/keeping-counterfeit-medicines-out-supply-chain Muthoni, J., 2014. Anti-Counterfeiting Strategies Adopted By Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Firms In Kenya And Organizational Performance, Available at: https://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/11295/76838/Marete_Anti-counterfeiting%20Strategies%20Adopted%20by%20Pharmaceutical%20Manufacturing%20Firms%20in%20Kenya%20and%20Organizational%20Performance.pdf?sequence=3 Singal, R., 2017. Understanding the aims of sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) and what they mean for pharmacy, Available at: https://www.pharmaceutical-journal.com/learning/learning-article/understanding-the-aims-of-sustainability-and-transformation-plans-stps-and-what-they-mean-for-pharmacy/20202233.article Trapsida, J. Desta, A., 2017. Preventing and controlling substandard and counterfeit medical products in the WHO African region, Available at: https://www.aho.afro.who.int/en/ahm/issue/15/reports/preventing-and-controlling-substandard-and-counterfeit-medical-products-who
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Mariano Escobedo Essays - French Intervention In Mexico, Escobedo
Mariano Escobedo Mariano Escobedo was a healthy man he was my Grandparents great great grandparent. He was a Mexican General from Mexico. He wanted to govern Mexico, he fought against dynasty and he won. Escobedo fought against the French Invasion in Mexico to govern Mexico. He became a great general who fought against Napoleon III (French.) In Mexico City airport and in Monterey his name is printed and also in some streets of difference parts of Mexico. Mexico had borrowed money from England, France and Spain. In 1861 representatives from this countries got together in London to find a way to get Mexico to pay this countries. Troops from this three countries went to Veracruz in 1862. They were welcomed from representative from Mexico. The general Juan Prim, from Spain accepted the way Mexico was going to pay little by little so as England. The representative from France is not accepted he wanted the money and ordered his troops to prepare to fight. The government of Benito Juarez organize the defense. He made in charge the general Ignazio Zaragoza to get to Puebla and fight with the French. They attacked each other in the " Fuertes de Loreto y Guadalupe. The troops of Zaragoza, helped from the Indians Zacapoaxtla. In 1862of Mat 5 they won against the French. The emperor from France, Luis Napoleon Bonaparte, wanted to extend his powers in America and in Asia. He dreamed to form a great empire. Mexico took advantage of that situation to peek an European emperor to govern Mexico and to stop the politic anarchy. Luis Napoleon made them recommend Fernando Maximiliano de Habsurgo, brother of the emperor Francisco Jose. Maximiliano accepted his embarkation to Mexico but with her wife, the princess Carlota Amalia de Belgica. Luis Napoleon send his army to wish napoleon luck. Austria and Belgica also send troops. The emperors arrived to Mexico at the end of 1864. In Veracruz, Puebla were great big welcomes. To confront the invaders, to the president Juarez formed a government itinerante, who traveled from the capital to the north border. From this places it continue the position of the millitar action from the armies from the North, West, command from Mariano Escobedo, Ramon Corona and Porfirio Diaz. From 1865 to 1867 were constant fights. At first the power was in Europe, but the Mexican never gave up and little by little the situation kept changing. Maximilliano made his own government in the castle of Chapultepec in Mexico City. The biggest part of his people were foreign, but also has important foreign Mexicans. They traveled many parts of the center of the city and Carlota traveled all the way to Yucatan, Maximiliano showed interests for the luck of the Indian workers.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Culture in Japan Essays
Culture in Japan Essays Culture in Japan Paper Culture in Japan Paper Japan geographically is small in area which contained an approximate 125 million people. The country has a literacy rate of almost 100% with 95% of the population studied high school education. The country is under the rule of a constitutional monarch with parliamentarian democracy as form of government. It is the Prime Minister who stands as the Chief Government Officer. The dominant and exclusive religion in Japan is Shinto, which is similar to Buddhism-the basis and roots of their tradition worldwide, though not really official. Buddhism develops culture of art and temples, which had a substantial role in civic life and meditative religious facet. The ideas of hierarchy, loyalty, and the emperor as the son of heaven came from Confucianism of China. Giving order and sanction to the system of government implied in Shinto came from Daoism. Christianity brought a combination of Western ideas, particularly those involving social impartiality and transformation. Figure 1 Religion in Japan Source: www. cyborlink. com/besite/japan. htm Japanese are introvert people, who are not mostly open to strangers. Loyalty to the group and relationship is significant for successes when carrying out business inside this country. In analysis using the Hofstede’s Model of cultural dimensions, it was observed that this Asian country is high in power distance, low in individualism, high in uncertainty avoidance, high in masculinity and high in long term orientation. Figure 2 Hofstede’s Cross Cultural Analysis of Japan Source: www. geert-hofstede. com/hofstede_japan. shtml Legend: PDI= Power Distance Index IDV= Individualism MAS= Masculinity UAI= Uncertainty Avoidance Index LTO= Long-Term Orientation Though of equal footing when it comes to legal rights, still women are not treated fairly against men in the workplace, which means there is still implicit prejudice going on. Mostly, assignments for women belong to the lower grade tasks. Marriage and giving birth are primary reasons for women to leave their jobs. The manner of dressing is dictated by the status or position. Men always wear dark suits with slip-on type of shoes, especially when having business dealings for ease and comfort. Women on the other hand, should be dressed in conservative manner, with minimal accessories and low-heeled shoes to prevent being taller than men. Japanese men find it unpleasant for women to be in pants during business transactions. The Japanese hate pointing, blowing nose in public places and facial expressions that will give double meaning. Entertainment, particularly drinking is a significant part of both social and business life of the Japanese, which is usually held in â€Å"hostess bars†. Seldom do Japanese invite someone in their homes and when they do; it could be considered an honor for the guest. When entering a traditional Japanese restaurant, it is their custom to remove their shoes. Matters pertaining to business are usually talked about during dinner, in which food is ordered and paid by the host. Giving tip is uncommon for the Japanese, because said cost is already part of the invoice. Usually the host also explains the different variety of menu on offer. Slurping noodles during mealtime is appreciable to show enjoyment for the food. When not in use, chopsticks should be placed on the holder provided on the table; do not point them to anyone nor leave them sticking into the rice, because it is improper to do so. It is impolite not leave some food on the plate at the end of the meal to demonstrate an adequacy. The Japanese are also affectionate in giving gifts, equally for business and personal purposes. Gifts need not be extravagant, but should always be in good taste. Alcohol, particularly good single malt whisky, is always an appreciated present. It is vital not to use white paper to wrap the gift, because said color means death for the Japanese. There must be word of warning before a gift is given. Using both hands is essential in giving and accepting any gift. The Japanese take satisfaction in gift wrapping, therefore caution must be observed when opening the present, which is usually done at the end of the appointment. Shun from giving gifts in numbers of four (4) or nine (9), because these are ill-fated for them. Keep away also from presenting sharp objects as gifts to any Japanese because it suggests ones wish to conclude a relationship. Meishi or business card, just like a gift must be formally given and received with both hands, placed carefully on top of the table in which the Japanese language is presented side up. The exchange of meishi must be completed to formally open the business discussion. The same level of respect must be given to the card and the man. Writing or leaving the card behind means lack of reverence. Presentment of the card must be done after the bow. When greeted with a customary bow, it must be returned together with a business card, if any. The lowness of the bow measures the level of relationship of the two (2) persons communicating. Eyes must be kept low and palms must be placed next to thighs when bowing. The Japanese never say and accepts â€Å"no†for an answer. Knowing this fact is necessary in the negotiating with them.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Getting Beyond the Basics of the Spanish Future Tense
Getting Beyond the Basics of the Spanish Future Tense If you think that the future tense in Spanish is used to talk about events that will happen in the future, youre only partly right. For the Spanish future tense also has two other uses, one of which corresponds to an English usage and one that does not. And if you think that the only way of talking about the future in Spanish is to use the future tense, youd be mistaken. Spanish Future Tense as Emphatic Command If you grew up not liking vegetables, you may remember having a stern parent saying something like You will eat the carrots with a strong emphasis on the will. In such a sentence, the English future tense is being used not merely to say what will happen, but also to insist that it does. The same can be done in Spanish. Depending on the context and intonation, a sentence such as Comers las zanahorias can be either a prediction or a strong command.  ¡Te dormirs a las 10! (You will go to sleep at 10!) ¡Saldrn si causan problems! (You will leave if you cause problems!) ¡Esturiars toda la noche! (You will study all night!) Unlike with English, this type of reference to the future can be made in Spanish only with the simple future tense. Spanish does not use the progressive tenses (such as estars estudiendo for you will be studying) for this purpose. Spanish Future Tense for Indicating Probability More common is to use the future verb forms as a way of expressing something that is probable or supposed. There is no real verb-only equivalent in English; usually we would express such a thought by using probably, likely, I suppose or some similar word or phrase. In question form, the future tense can indicate uncertainty rather than probability. Here are examples of such usages of the Spanish future tense with possible translations: Pablo no est aquà . Estar en casa. (Paul isnt here. Hes probably at home.) ¿Quà © hora es? Ser la una. (What time is it? I suppose its 1 oclock.)Han trabajado mucho. Estarn cansados. (Theyve worked hard. They must be tired.)Estoy confudida.  ¿Me amar? (Im confused. I wonder if he loves me.) Keep in mind that the understanding of such sentences, and therefore the translation, will often depend on the context. For example, estar en casa could mean both he/she will be at home or he/she probably is at home, depending on what else is said in the conversation. And of course, the same is true when translating to Spanish. In the third example above, deben estar cansados would not be a correct translation, because they must expresses probability rather than obligation. Ways of Talking About the Future in Spanish There are at least three ways of expressing the future in Spanish without using the future tense. Periphrastic Future The most common way is to use a form of the verb ir (to go), followed by a and an infinitive. Voy a salir. (I am going to leave.)Van a comprar un coche. (They are going to buy a car. ) ¿Vas a estudiar? (Are you going to study?) This use of ir a is so common that it is popularly thought of as the future tense in some areas and mostly replaces the standard future in everyday speech. This way of discussing the future is known as the periphrastic future tense. Using the Indicative Present for Future Actions In some cases, as in English, it is possible to use the present tense to tell of future events. Sale el tren a las ocho. (The train leaves at 8.)La fiesta de pelà culas comienza esta noche. (The film festival begins tonight.)Llega Paulina a las siete de la tarde. (Paulina arrives at 7 p.m. tonight.) This type of present-as-future is most common for scheduled events occurring in the near future. Using the Subjunctive Present for Future Actions Finally, Spanish sometimes uses the present subjunctive where we would use the future indicative in English. Dudo que ella vaya, (I doubt she will go.)Espero que haga buen tiempo, (I hope the weather will be good.)Lo siento que salgas, (I am sorry you will leave.) Often when discussing a future event, the subjunctive doesnt express something that definitely will happen, but rather events that might or wont happen. In other cases, the subjunctive will be used in a sentence that focuses on the reaction to a future event, as in the third example above. Key Takeaways The future tense in both Spanish and English can be used for emphatic commands.In Spanish but not English, the future tense is sometimes used to indicate that a verbs action is likely or that the speaker is supposing that it will happen.In both languages, the present indicative tense can be used to say something will happen in the near future.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategic Management in a Global Environment Assignment - 5
Strategic Management in a Global Environment - Assignment Example The paper tells that good governance means that all the authority and power is used in the most convenient way to uplift the performance of the institution without necessarily exploiting all the stakeholders and available resources. The secret of success lies in the power of the management team to utilize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to place the institution in a better functioning state. Good governance provides clear direction for the business institution. Transparency, fairness, accountability, planning, monitoring, and vigilance are the main building blocks of good governance. There is increased investment, boosted investor confidence, as well as interest. There is fairness in handling all stakeholders especially when there is good governance in a company. Good governance also strengthens the competiveness of the company besides making it cruise through the constant economic crises. Another benefit is scrapping off corruption and fund embezzlement, good g overnance has better strategies for conducting quality assurance programmes and giving comprehensive feedback for improvement in areas of weakness. The other side is bad governance; this is the true opposite of good governance. There lacks fairness, equity, responsiveness, transparency, effectiveness, and efficiency, in bad governance. In most case, bad governance precedes the downfall of a company. This means that the company is unable to survive the harsh and overwhelming market competition. Furthermore, many funds are misappropriated through lack of monitoring and evaluation. Bad governance is almost synonymous with poor planning and inadequate preparedness.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Neoclassical and Impressionism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Neoclassical and Impressionism - Essay Example The essay "Neoclassical and Impressionism" analyzes neoclassical artworks and artists of impressionism. Artists of this period defied some earlier artistic guidelines that entailed adhering to basic aspects meant to classify these images, but they kept the essence of being realistic in all their works. Consequently, this artistic period influenced diverse aspects besides innovations that marked its period and esteemed to date. Neoclassicism marked the onset of 19Th period movement that entailed strict adherence to austere linear design in expressing one’s ideas via artwork. Presently, numerous studies associate this period with architectural models, which by then involved, realistic drawing coupled with varied predetermined painting techniques. Therefore, the artists had to both apply and adhere to certain outlined rules, which was contrary to the impressionism period. This is because the latter besides realistic painting, it required artists’ varied and imaginative ski lls to convey the required message. Neoclassical epoch up to date marks the most remarkable phase in the European history. This is because of its various dynamic events, which characterized the period ranging from political to the empowerment of people’s economy in diverse ways. For illustration, military and political unrest that characterized the era aggravated by influential states while in pursuit of annexing lesser regions to strength their economies. Hence, this yielded to heightened rate of colonization that influenced other states. like Portugal to develop interest in Africa and US. This is because colonies besides acting as a sign of political power; they were principal source of industrial materials that boosted the states’ economic stability. Besides, economic stability in this era augmented due to the people’s literacy rise and marketing innovations as trade competition heightened among the party states. Studies associate this period with
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Closed-book vs closed-notes quiz Essay Example for Free
Closed-book vs closed-notes quiz Essay 1. This is a closed-book, closed-notes quiz. No reference material (including assignments and labs) will be permitted for use during the quiz session. 2. The quiz contains the following types of questions: * Short essay type 3. Place your answers in the space immediately following each question. Quiz Questions 1. What does MAO define? Defines how long a business can be without system or applications before having adverse effects on the mission of the business. 2. Define CSFs for a BIA. The success of recovering critical systems or application necessary in an event that interrupts the services of the business. 3. List four of the seven steps for a contingency plan based on the NIST 800-34 standard. Develop a BIA, develop a recovery strategy, preventive controls identified, test the plan and train individuals. 4. What is the objective of a BIA? To identify the critical and non-critical resources of a business. 5. In the seven domains of an IT infrastructure, list three things that should be included as CBFs. The System/Application Domain, The LAN Domain, and the WAN domain. 6. List at least two differences between BCP and a DRP plan. A BCP covers all units of the business while the DRP covers functions of the IT department only. A BCP contains strategy and incidents to be included and the DRP contains recovery steps and procedures. 7. Describe and list four elements of a BCP. Identify critical equipment necessary for the business mission. Identifying critical personnel necessary for the business to return to normal operations of the business. Conduct a BIA, determine the impact on the business if systems were unavailable. Maintenance and updating of the BCP as changes are made to the network. 8. What does a BCP program manager do? What are his or her duties? Take the leadership role as they are responsible for writing the BCP and conducting the BIA. 9. Describe and list two of the commonly used teams for a BCP. BIA- which is the business impact analysis- The impact a disruption of service would have on a business. DRP- Disaster recovery plan- plans to recover from a disaster resulting in a loss of business systems necessary for the business to operate normally. 10. Describe at least one element that would be in a recovery phase of a BCP plan. An Alternative site to set up business operations in the event of a lost site due to a disaster.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Throat cancer :: essays research papers fc
Do you know anyone with cancer more specifically throat cancer? I do and so I wanted to learn more about it. Throat cancer also known as cancer of the pharynx can be included in the group of head and neck cancers. 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with cancer from this group annually. There are more than 500,000 survivors living in the United States today. The tumors are often found on the tonsils and at the base of the tongue. Throat cancer; though, can also be found in three regions of the pharynx.      The three regions include the nasopharynx, which is the area behind the back of the throat and nose, the oropharynx, which is the base of the tongue and the tonsil region, and the hyopharynx, which is the bottom part of the throat. Alcohol use, smoking (tobacco or marijuana), and chewing tobacco can cause throat cancer. Leukoplakia, which is white spots or patches in the mouth, can be considered a risk factor. There are symptoms to throat cancer like any other disease.      A persistent feeling of something in the pharynx is a symptom of throat cancer. If you are having pains or having difficulty swallowing, a change of voice, or hoarseness then there is a possibility you could have throat cancer. Also throat cancer may cause an earache or it might feel like sometimes there is obstruction in your airway passage. There are many ways to treat cancer if it is needed.      â€Å"Several tests may be performed to diagnose the presence of cancer. An endoscopy uses a thin-lighted flexible instrument to evaluate the extent of the tumor. A suspected throat cancer must be confirmed by removing a small piece of tissue (biopsy). This tissue is sent to the laboratory for evaluation and diagnosis†(www.uihealthcare.com). Treatments for cancer include surgery, radiation therapy (intensity modulated radiation therapy or high dose radiation brachytherapy), and chemotherapy. There are alternate therapies such as naturopathic medicine, nutritional therapy, mind-body medicine, image enhancement, and spiritual support.      The best way to see if you have cancer is to consult a doctor.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Sacrificial Action
In Bhagavad Gita 4. 31, Krishna said to Arjuna, â€Å"Those who eat the nectar of immortality left over from a sacrificial action, they go to the eternal Brahman†(Phillips 80). This passage is taken from the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna, a divine being, and Arjuna, the third of the five brothers fighting for their land. With Arjuna having a dilemma of fighting his own kinsmen, Krishna explained to him why the right thing to do is to fight (Phillips 80). In chapter three of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna explained to Arjuna the meaning of the sacrificial action. It is said to be voluntary doing something or ‘sacrificing’ without thinking of the benefits you will earn after the work, will lead to the supreme good. This is called the yoga of action. Attaining this supreme good exempts you from the law of karma (action and reaction) and thus leads to nirvana (Phillips 81). In chapter four, Krishna pointed out how and why he took the form of a mortal being. According to him, he assumed a mortal personification in order to become a model for those people who would want to attain the supreme good. He also states that he had already turned to a mortal being to be able to tell other people the things the he is now sharing with Arjuna (Phillips 81). The Bhagavad Gita 4. 31 passage is the fourth chapter’s main point. In this passage, Krishna told Arjuna how to be like him or to go to eternal Brahman. The ‘nectar’ he mentioned pertains to the example that he or a doer of sacrificial action makes. And the meaning of ‘eating the nectar’ entails following the examples of doing a sacrificial action, in order to attain supreme good or to be like Krishna (Phillips 82).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Should College Education be free in America
All three of the research topics that I chose are very important to me. However the one topic that really stands out in my mind is, â€Å"should college education be free in the United States? †One reason this topic stands out to me, I believe America spends too much money importing goods. Especially goods that require some form of technology such as cell phones and gaming systems. The list goes on. I feel that if we train Americans to build these technologies, it will create more jobs, henceforth, reducing unemployment.This brings me to the second most important reason why I feel that college education should be free in the United States. Educated people build a strong economy. Our great nation will benefit by making college education free in the U. S. , to citizens and anyone who’s rightfully living in our country. Not all who graduate from high school are gifted enough to receive a scholarship to attend college, or are fortunate to have parents afford to pay for the ir college education. This can be discouraging for young men or women who want to be successful, however don’t have the means.What about the working adult that wants to complete their degree so that they can be a role model to their children? Unfortunately, they don’t have the finances to go back school. It becomes a double jeopardy life sentence for that high school graduate with no means of furthering their education or that parent that wants to go back to school. Not able to pursue a college degree and most likely earning less money than a college graduate. Consequently, men and women with none too little college education tend to earn less money throughout their lifetime than men or women who have a degree.According to howtoedu. org, (first line of second paragraph) â€Å"over the course or working 40 years, someone with a high school diploma will make $1,116,600 while someone with a bachelor’s degree will make $2,048,204†. According to an article wri tten by the American Public Media titled â€Å"The Value of a College Degree†(second paragraph), â€Å"People who don't get some kind of post-secondary education are quickly falling out of the American middle class†. I feel that our government spends more money in other areas that are unnecessary such as war. The money that the U. S. government spends on war should be allocated to more important areas such as education.There are different deterring factors that prevent people from pursuing a higher education or completing their degree. The most important is the cost. According to the consumer financial protection bureau, the standard repayment schedule for a college education is 120 months (10 years). By making college education free, the American people will be more qualified for good paying jobs. This will also help in creating new jobs. The money that would be spent on paying back school loans, could be used to purchase homes.This is a perfect example for buildi ng a stronger economy. The method of research that I plan to use to support my thesis are, online articles via credible websites. These resources will reveal the relevance of making college education free in America. My resources will declare that free education will help create more jobs, therefore reducing unemployment; and it will benefit in giving qualified people work with higher compensation. Finally, these resources will bring to light, that more jobs with higher paying compensation builds a stronger economy. All do to making college education free in America.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Operation Gomorrah Essay Essays
Operation Gomorrah Essay Essays Operation Gomorrah Essay Paper Operation Gomorrah Essay Paper â€Å"Operation Gomorrah†Ingram recalls her childhood experiences of war within her place metropolis of Hamburg. Germany. The composing techniques and elaborate descriptions within the autobiographical narrative reflect Ingram’s sensitive nature and the emotional nexus she has to her childhood because of this traumatic event. â€Å"I was eight old ages old and a respectful. obedient kid. But one twenty-four hours in late July my female parent asked me to make something and I disobeyed her. and I shall be everlastingly glad that I did. †( Marione Ingram 123 ) Normally a male child who is merely 8 old ages old should be blue and arch. However. at the beginning of the narrative. the writer tells us that he was thought to be a respectful. obedient kid by others. The secret plan that Ingram does non desire to direct his babe sister Renate to his cousin’s flat ( 123 ) indicate that Ingram has his ain ideas. has his likes and disfavors. But he is so sensitive that he cares excessively much about what others think. He loves his female parent. he does non willing to allow her down. So. although he does non desire to travel outside from within. he tried ( 123 ) . We can conceive of that how much joy and pleasance of childhood he has lost to coerce himself to populate up to this repute to be respectfu l and obedient. This is excessively barbarous to this small male child. But he was thrilled to be out-of-doorss ( 123 ) . At that minute. there must hold been an intense internal struggle in his bosom. On the one manus. he does non willing to destruct his repute to be obedient every bit good as allow his female parent down. but on the other manus. he can non pull off to get the better of his internal frights. After a battle. he turned back and so began to travel rapidly to place ( 123 ) . When he thought back to the whole narrative. he found that if he had followed his mother’s way to transport his babe sister to his cousin’s flat and he himself stayed at that place. he would non hold experienced the great catastrophe: the Operation Gomorrah. For the obedient kid. he regrets for his whole life for that lone one resist. His sensitive makes him a individual who ever thinks excessively much. That he ever considers the feelings of others. repent the yesteryear and be worried about the here after makes him a shilly-shally and inner-turmoiled individual. Ingram provinces â€Å"I pulled mother off from the range. tugging first one hitch arm and so the other. I managed to acquire her caput and a shoulder into the dining room†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 124 ) â€Å"I was sitting on the floor with her caput in my lap. seeking to believe what to make. when coming from the underside of the stairwell where I’d left the baby buggy I could hear the swoon sounds of my babe sister’s whimpering†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 124 ) â€Å"There were no air raids to upset us. though I woke up frequently to see if she was still unconscious†¦ †( 125 ) . When his female parent was ill. the 8-year-old lithe male child took the duty of taking attention of his female parent and his babe sister. His behaviour described in this portion gave me the feeling of unreal. He took attention of his female parent and babe sister so carefully that he can even hear the swoon sounds of his babe sister’s wailing from the underside of the stairwell. He was worr ied about his female parent and babe sister and tomorrow’s life. so he woke up frequently during that dark. It is wholly non like a small boy’s behaviour. All of these secret plans indicate that Ingram has elusive nervousnesss. He is sensitive to environment. â€Å"I looked at female parent and I understood†( Marione Ingram 125 ) . What did this small boy understand from two adults’ conversation? At first reading I do non understand what he got. But so I understood that Inge was loath to assist them during that despairing state of affairs. From Inge’s talk. emotion and action. he and his female parent understood the cardinal point. He is so smart and sensitive to things. His sensitiveness inspires his thought. He is good at observation and analysis. I have to look up to the small boy’s apprehension. But the small male child did non demo any unhappiness or lose his pique about his cousin’s attitude. He was so quiet merely maintain his idea in his head. As for the catastrophe. Marion Ingram used abundant item description to demo the pandemonium scene. He describes his former playfellow like this â€Å"She was keeping her favourite doll. keeping it tight and turning somewhat off as if she feared I might seek to snap it from her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 127 ) . The description showed a girl’s behaviour in despairing state of affairs vividly. There are besides many environmental descriptions during the bombardment. â€Å"A false morning lit the southeasterly sky. rouging mother’s cheeks and painting the walls of edifices on our side of the street a lurid red†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 128 ) . At one point between life and decease. Ingram still have one portion of his bosom refering his mothers’ emotion and retrieve everlastingly. When he was in his mother’s arm. he was detecting how other people seeking to last. â€Å"Then a adult female transporting an baby came running down the street along the same path we had taken. She was followed by a immature adult male dressed in the khaki trunkss and shirt of a Hitler Youth. I thought they must be fliting from a bomb shelter that had been damaged. perchance the 1 female parent had been heading for when we foremost left our flat building†¦ †( 131 ) . There are abundant psychological and action descriptions. â€Å"I thought they must be fliting from a bomb shelter that had been damaged†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131 ) . â€Å"I thought his trouble might be the hot air current howling down the avenue in forepart of us and about expected to see him lifted up as he ran†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131 ) . â€Å"I idea I could hear their shrieks and ducked down into the crater with my eyes closed and my custodies oter my ears. †( 131 ) . â€Å"When it seemed that I was approximately to smother. I pulled the cover off and stuck up my head†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131-132 ) . â€Å"When I closed my eyes it felt as if we were lying between railway paths while an eternal tra in rumbled over us so swiftly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 132 ) . All these descriptions are so all right. specific and smooth that about give us a film image. Sensitive and delicate as he is. he is able to retrieve every individual item. every alteration in emotion. every piece of his idea. In decision. Marione Ingram concludes abundant item descriptions in this essay that even gave readers the feeling that this narrative is non his ain narrative. In this manner. the writer shaped a sensitive character from different point of position. And because of his sensitive nature. he is besides a shilly-shally individual who ever suffers intense interior battle. he is a good mind and perceiver which made him a good author. he is a really sort individual who would see for others at every proceedingss.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What is the Job Market for Web Developers
What is the Job Market for Web Developers in the last few years, there has been an explosion of companies offering to train people in web development through bootcamps, online instruction, classes, and nearly anything else to get people coding. the target audience for most of these are people who did not study coding in the past but now want to change career paths. with so much excitement around start-ups and technology, coding know-how is becoming more and more an incredibly valued skill. but what can new web developers expect as they enter the development career marketplace?when it comes to salary, there is some disagreement depending on what source you prefer. the united states department of labor suggests a range from as low as $33k to $105k. this is obviously quite a range and surely covers a wide spectrum of employment situations. other sources put the range from around $75k to $120k for web development positions.in terms of job availability, the timing really could not be better for web developers. there are a plethor a of jobs and not enough people with the right skills for hire. 61% of executives say they face recruitment challenges when it comes to highly skilled and technical positions. as the gap between qualified workers and unfilled jobs continues to grow, it is expected that the gap will grow even greater for those looking for web developers. as any business 101 class will teach you, high demand and low supply can certainly lead to price increases. in this case, price equals web developers’ salaries!so strike while the iron is hot! i have a feeling in 400 years, they will look back at this time period and see anyone who cannot code as practically illiterate. while that might sound crazy, it is basically how we look at the past with regard to reading. perhaps the best part of it all, once you have those skills, you never what brilliant idea might strike you and inspire you to create your own start-up and become your own boss!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International Human Rights - Essay Example Responsible social behavior could have minimized the scale of the recession; businesses have to learn that maybe, the only thing that is important is the bottom line, that there is an interconnectivity with other factors within and beyond the business environments (Amnesty International, 2008). International co-operations have been accused of gross human rights abuse when they are established abroad more so in third world countries where poverty levels are high. This is because poverty drives workers in these countries to work extremely long hours for minimal wages under deplorable working conditions. This is exploitation at its worst and the governments tend to turn a blind eye because they benefit from the presence of such companies (Amnesty International, 2008). A group that has fallen prey often times to exploitation by corporations are illegal migrants and refugees. Rooted from their own homes in foreign lands where they cannot rely on the government for assistance, these are a vulnerable group. Their only target is survival and since most live in abject poverty, they are willing to work for extremely low wages just to help them get by. This is most unfortunate because migrant populations do contribute to the economies of the countries where they are hosted. Hence, equal working rights for migrants and fighting other discriminations of migrants should be made a priority (UNOG, 2008)2. Another challenge to upholding human rights where transnational corporations and other business enterprises are concerned is the dire poverty mostly inexperienced in third world countries where poverty drives people to accept any kind of work. It is known that multinational corporations that are involved in labor intensive industries choose to do locate their factories where wages are much lower for unskilled workers. Furthermore, those living in countries where there is extreme poverty also do without basic human rights
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analytics, Interfaces, and Cloud Technology Research Paper - 1
Analytics, Interfaces, and Cloud Technology - Research Paper Example In this sense, the notion of coming up with a strategic plan on the implementation of Analytics, Interfaces and Cloud Technology is a subject of great concern in promoting the success of Auction Analytics (Hugos and Hulitzky, 2011). In simple terms, Analytics and cloud technology is composed of an online service model, which is about systematic analysis of online data captured and presented over a private or public cloud network (Hugos and Hulitzky, 2011). For our company, Auction Analytics, adoption of this technology can add immense value on the quality of services we offer to our clients. The plan in implementing this technology at our company has to be based on use of a public cloud technology where any user all around the globe can access information and his or her details captured for analysis. The application of public cloud network is very important in increasing our customer base as it paves way for users all around the globe to connect to the service (Hugos and Hulitzky, 2011). Alongside this should be the company’s private cloud network, which acts as a virtual private network where only our company employees can access a prescribed set of information. The private cloud network offers crucial security advantages necessary for protecting our company data and private information from any unauthorized access (Hill, 2013). It is vital to make it clear that the term cloud technology engrosses a networking technological feature where a company’s applications, services and information or resources are made available online using cloud-computing servers. The main objective in the use of cloud technology revolves around provision of services that play a huge role in ensuring the satisfaction of three crucial properties of a quality computer system. These are confidentiality, integrity and availability. Furthermore, the technology is also
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Current Issue Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Current Issue - Term Paper Example Although slums had became common by the end of 20th century and dominated a major part of United states Of America and European society ,evolution of slums had taken place in New York City. History says that Five Points slum area was initially a lake namely Collect. Soon slaughtered waist and garbage started to dispose off at the location of the lake Collect. As the hot summer poured in during the ages of 1800’s, the lake with all sorts of garbage had gone dry with no sign of sanitation taken into account. That was the time when the first slum namely Five Points slum started to originate on that location. People from different nationalities who thought New York City as the key to opportunities and had migrated to the city, had to accommodate at the Five Points slum (Moreno 32). In Europe, slums had gone common by the ages of 1920’s during the Victorian period. Charles Dickens, one of the greatest novelist and realistic writer, defined slum as low and an area of bad housing system. According to a census held in 1920, there were 25,000 slums present only in America (Rogers 33). With the increasing number of slums in any country, economy is deeply affected. At one hand, many political powers seek measures to demolish or upgrade slums for their political interest. These political powers encourage the migration of individuals and families from rural areas to urban areas in order to secure their voting blocks. On the other hand, slums cover major of the population in many countries. In order to strengthen a nation economically, slums need sincere attention. The residents of the slums should be offered rights just like any other citizen. Their life styles and lives should be modified not for personal means. Economy can never prosper when slums and people in slums exist. The influential business tycoons also seek to conquer this small urban settlement area for their personal means and not for the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Definition Of The Life Cycle Costing Construction Essay
Definition Of The Life Cycle Costing Construction Essay This report emphasizes for identifying critical phases of pre contract cost planning and controlling process in the life cycle of project with respect to the RIBA plan of work how to manage them and how to obtain a maximum turnover of the project within the quantity surveyors role as a cost manager. Hence, this study will discuss significant project pre contract cost planning and controlling process, such as methods of estimates for cost planning for different stages of RIBA work plan, pre-contract cost planning and cost controlling process with respect to the RIBA plan of work a client/consultant may adopt during each stage, the term life cycle costing and related terminology, the quantity surveyors role as a cost manager, in the life cycle of the project. MAIN BODY Explain the methods of preparing estimates for cost planning for different stages of RIBA work plan. What Is Cost Planning? The Cost Planning is a method of cost controlling the cost (Price to client) of a project within a pre-determined sum up to the tender stage. (Page3, Cost studies) Cost Planning give advice to client how much will be project cost. As well, cost planning will advise when the expected expenses will most possible occur. Hence its important for get required project finance and for determining possible project profit. Therefore cost planning process essential to success of project. Methods of Estimating for Cost Planning There are some significant estimating methods uses in construction industry for Cost planning process. Those methods give preliminary estimate, hence Quantity Surveyor has to modify predetermine data considering the followings, such as , market conditions, Size, number of storeys, specification level, inclusions exclusions, service, site foundation conditions and other factors. Conference Estimating Method RIBA Stage A of Options Appraisal and stage B Design Brief, These method uses for preparation of the initial price estimate give to the client. It is based on a cooperative view of a group of persons, and not quantify in any particular way. Financial methods RIBA Stage A of Options Appraisal and stage B Design Brief, This method fixes a cost limit on the building design, according to the unit of accommodation or rental values. For example, Unit method RIBA Stage A of Options Appraisal and stage B Design Brief, The unit method is multiplies desire standard unit of accommodation by an approximate cost per unit. Not required specific drawings, specifications, only the concept of the project relevant to the required function. For example: Schools costs per pupil enplace Hospitals costs per bed enplace Car parks cost per car space Estimate = Standard units of accommodation x Cost per unit Cube method Design Stage This is the superseded method because of inherent disadvantages; this method needs some sketch drawings, historical cost data, and also important estimator experience. It is based on association between building volume and unit cost. For example: Superficial area method RIBA Stage B Strategic Briefing and also can be used for Stage C This is presently most common use method, its use for early price estimating purposes. The area of each of the floors multiplied by the cost per square meter. Mostly important Storey heights, plan shape and methods for when choose on the rate need be used. For example: Story enclosure unit method This technique use weightings for the estimating the building elements Elemental Cost estimating Detail Design Stage (Production information Stage F) This can use to establish the approximate cost of a construction project. It analyzes, the cost of the project on an elemental basis using from other similar projects. Also provides cost advice during the design process. Detail drawings are required. For example: Approximate Cost estimating Approximate quantities present additional detailed approximate estimate. No particular rules of measurement exist, Also significantly more information is required from the designer.. For example: Resource analysis (Pre Construction Stage Tender Documentation -G) This method is traditionally adopted by contractors estimators to determine their individual rates for measured items in bills of quantities. All individual measured items are analyzed into its element parts such as labour, materials and plant. This method is not a pre-tender method of price prediction strictly. For example: Explain the pre-contract cost planning and cost controlling process with respect to the RIBA plan of work a client/ consultant may adopt during each stage What Is Pre-contract Cost Planning? Pre Cost planning is very important to successful planning, design and construction of projects and is aimed at providing best value solutions. Essentially it is a pre-costing method of a project. As well as Pre-estimation of a design proposal will give clear picture about the cost to the employer and design team to make decisions regarding the project to make sure value for money. Pre-Contract Cost Planning Process The pre-contract cost planning process according to the RIBA plan of work 1998; it can be described as follows. Graph 2.1 Pre-stage A (Establish the budget) Client is the appointing client management team (Consultants) such as, client representative, cost consultant, according to his requirements. Identify objectives, physical scope of project, standard of quality of building and services, timeframe and establishing the budget. Emphasis nature of clients problems and functional requirements on proposed project. Work Stage A (Options Appraisal) Consultant has to identify of client prerequisite and possible limitation on development and cost of the ideal solution. Prepare technical, functional and cost studies by consultant and then it should enable to the client to take decision on his project weather he can continue the first proposal or could do some changes to the first proposal etc. also select the possible procurement method. Work Stage B (Strategic Brief) Consultant has to prepare initial cost suggestion to the client based on an outline statement of clients needs, also to determine target cost. This establish an initial budget for client Client has to investigate availability of finance for the project and value of money framework. Pre Contract Cost Control Generally Pre contract cost controlling process is implement from this stage according to the RIBA work plan mentioned chart 1.2, Pre Contract Cost Control process give to ensure the cost of the project is within the clients budget or not. Hence pre contract cost control is very essential in a project since it is planning, design finalizing and tendering and selecting a suitable contractor too. Outline Proposals- Stage C Consultant involves preparing outline proposal and estimate of cost as initial cost plan. Investigate the site conditions and preliminary sketches for requirement of cost plan by consultant. Evaluate strategic brief through consideration of time, cost, risk and environmental issues. Establish design management procedures and prepare initial cost plan, project program, and cash flow. Detailed Proposals Stage D At this stage, consultant prepares full detailed proposals for the client, and also prepares firm cost plan detailed elemental cost plan etc. Clint tem evaluate outline proposals for make final decision, Receive design and cost input from client appointed team and extend detailed design solution. Development control submission. Review procurement advice. Final Proposals Stage E Consultant has to prepared final proposal for the project at this stage. Carry out cost check of the design as it develop against the cost plan, hence it Confirmation of the cost limits for the project. Most cost effective in satisfying level of project brief to confirm or put final budget and to check the elemental cost targets. Cost checks design against cost plan. Decide on procurement methods. Consultant, they attending to review design and cost plan. Consultant has to prepare all required submission for legal approvals. Production Information Stage F All legal approvals should have completed when at this stage. This is the assessment of lowest acceptable tender price based on completed contract documents. Ensure that the completed designs are controlled within the cost limits. Prepare all co-ordinate production information including location. Arrange bring together all component drawings, schedules and specifications. Supply all required information for final cost checks of design against cost plan. Explain the term life cycle costing and related terminology. Definition of the life cycle costing According to definition of Hoar and Norman (1990) appropriately defined the life cycle cost of an advantage as the present value of total cost of the asset over its operating life including initial capital costs, occupational costs, operating costs and the cost or benefit of the eventual disposal of the asset at the end of its life. Hence life cycle costing related with the time stream of costs and benefits that flow throughout the life of the project. There are number of term use in industry to identify different stages in the life cycle costing techniques, hence flowing are the specially use in construction industry. Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) Quantity surveyor assist to prepare this, based on collection and analysis of historic data on actual costs of occupying building (running cost and performance). Life cycle cost management (LCCM) Actually it is derived from life cycle cost analysis and identities, by this way client can be compare building cost and controlling occupancy cost throughout the life of building to get maximum value. Life cycle planning (LCCP) This is as part of life cycle cost management; it is constitute the prediction of total costs of a building, part or individual element taking account of initial capital costs, subsequent running cost and residual values. There are numerous costs associated with acquiring, operating, maintaining, and disposing of a building or building system. Building-related costs usually fall into the following categories: Initial Costs-Purchase, Acquisition, Construction Costs Fuel Costs Operation, Maintenance, and Repair Costs Replacement Costs Residual Values-Resale or Salvage Values or Disposal Costs Finance Charges-Loan Interest Payments Non-Monetary Benefits or Costs Only those costs within each category that are relevant to the decision and significant in amount are needed to make a valid investment decision. Costs are relevant when they are different for one alternative compared with another; costs are significant when they are large enough to make a credible difference in the LCC of a project alternative. For Example: Image of a bar graph showing the 30 Year Cost of a Building. The design and construction are at 2% of the cost, maintenance costs are at 6% and personnel salaries are at 92%. Viewed over a 30 year period, initial building costs account for approximately just 2% of the total, while operations and maintenance costs equal 6%, and personnel costs equal92%.Graphic: Sieglinde Fuller Source: Sustainable Building Technical Manual / Joseph J. Romm, Lean and Clean Management, 1994. Life cycle costing Terminology Explain the Quantity Surveyors role as a cost manager, in the life cycle of the project. Role of the Quantity Surveyor as a Cost Manager Quantity surveyor is the person/ firm who manage the cost relating to the construction projects, such as new constructions, maintenance work and renovations. Quantity surveyor monitors the cost of every aspects of a construction project as a cost manager, as well as seeks to minimize the costs of the project and to make more cost savings while ensuring the total cost of project does not exceed the estimated cost. Furthermore when study about Quantity Surveyors in Cost manger position also have to be identified their duties and Responsibilities properly. Conducting feasibility studies and writing procurement reports. Managing estimating and cost planning activities to include taking ownership of and presenting the final cost plan. Managing the procurement process, ensuring that all stages including pre-qualification, enquiry, analysis, selection and contract preparation are performed effectively. Ensuring that post-contract cost variances and change control processes are managed effectively. Ensuring that cost checking and valuation work is managed effectively. Ensuring the production of monthly post-contract cost reports and presenting them to the client. Value engineering and life cycle costing. Ensuring that final accounts are negotiated and agreed. Taking a lead role in interfacing with the client and other consultants, at all project stages. Working with Associate Directors and Directors to construct bids for new work. Identifying and acting upon opportunities to improve cost management procedures, templates and products.
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