Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analytics, Interfaces, and Cloud Technology Research Paper - 1
Analytics, Interfaces, and Cloud Technology - Research Paper Example In this sense, the notion of coming up with a strategic plan on the implementation of Analytics, Interfaces and Cloud Technology is a subject of great concern in promoting the success of Auction Analytics (Hugos and Hulitzky, 2011). In simple terms, Analytics and cloud technology is composed of an online service model, which is about systematic analysis of online data captured and presented over a private or public cloud network (Hugos and Hulitzky, 2011). For our company, Auction Analytics, adoption of this technology can add immense value on the quality of services we offer to our clients. The plan in implementing this technology at our company has to be based on use of a public cloud technology where any user all around the globe can access information and his or her details captured for analysis. The application of public cloud network is very important in increasing our customer base as it paves way for users all around the globe to connect to the service (Hugos and Hulitzky, 2011). Alongside this should be the company’s private cloud network, which acts as a virtual private network where only our company employees can access a prescribed set of information. The private cloud network offers crucial security advantages necessary for protecting our company data and private information from any unauthorized access (Hill, 2013). It is vital to make it clear that the term cloud technology engrosses a networking technological feature where a company’s applications, services and information or resources are made available online using cloud-computing servers. The main objective in the use of cloud technology revolves around provision of services that play a huge role in ensuring the satisfaction of three crucial properties of a quality computer system. These are confidentiality, integrity and availability. Furthermore, the technology is also
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Current Issue Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Current Issue - Term Paper Example Although slums had became common by the end of 20th century and dominated a major part of United states Of America and European society ,evolution of slums had taken place in New York City. History says that Five Points slum area was initially a lake namely Collect. Soon slaughtered waist and garbage started to dispose off at the location of the lake Collect. As the hot summer poured in during the ages of 1800’s, the lake with all sorts of garbage had gone dry with no sign of sanitation taken into account. That was the time when the first slum namely Five Points slum started to originate on that location. People from different nationalities who thought New York City as the key to opportunities and had migrated to the city, had to accommodate at the Five Points slum (Moreno 32). In Europe, slums had gone common by the ages of 1920’s during the Victorian period. Charles Dickens, one of the greatest novelist and realistic writer, defined slum as low and an area of bad housing system. According to a census held in 1920, there were 25,000 slums present only in America (Rogers 33). With the increasing number of slums in any country, economy is deeply affected. At one hand, many political powers seek measures to demolish or upgrade slums for their political interest. These political powers encourage the migration of individuals and families from rural areas to urban areas in order to secure their voting blocks. On the other hand, slums cover major of the population in many countries. In order to strengthen a nation economically, slums need sincere attention. The residents of the slums should be offered rights just like any other citizen. Their life styles and lives should be modified not for personal means. Economy can never prosper when slums and people in slums exist. The influential business tycoons also seek to conquer this small urban settlement area for their personal means and not for the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Definition Of The Life Cycle Costing Construction Essay
Definition Of The Life Cycle Costing Construction Essay This report emphasizes for identifying critical phases of pre contract cost planning and controlling process in the life cycle of project with respect to the RIBA plan of work how to manage them and how to obtain a maximum turnover of the project within the quantity surveyors role as a cost manager. Hence, this study will discuss significant project pre contract cost planning and controlling process, such as methods of estimates for cost planning for different stages of RIBA work plan, pre-contract cost planning and cost controlling process with respect to the RIBA plan of work a client/consultant may adopt during each stage, the term life cycle costing and related terminology, the quantity surveyors role as a cost manager, in the life cycle of the project. MAIN BODY Explain the methods of preparing estimates for cost planning for different stages of RIBA work plan. What Is Cost Planning? The Cost Planning is a method of cost controlling the cost (Price to client) of a project within a pre-determined sum up to the tender stage. (Page3, Cost studies) Cost Planning give advice to client how much will be project cost. As well, cost planning will advise when the expected expenses will most possible occur. Hence its important for get required project finance and for determining possible project profit. Therefore cost planning process essential to success of project. Methods of Estimating for Cost Planning There are some significant estimating methods uses in construction industry for Cost planning process. Those methods give preliminary estimate, hence Quantity Surveyor has to modify predetermine data considering the followings, such as , market conditions, Size, number of storeys, specification level, inclusions exclusions, service, site foundation conditions and other factors. Conference Estimating Method RIBA Stage A of Options Appraisal and stage B Design Brief, These method uses for preparation of the initial price estimate give to the client. It is based on a cooperative view of a group of persons, and not quantify in any particular way. Financial methods RIBA Stage A of Options Appraisal and stage B Design Brief, This method fixes a cost limit on the building design, according to the unit of accommodation or rental values. For example, Unit method RIBA Stage A of Options Appraisal and stage B Design Brief, The unit method is multiplies desire standard unit of accommodation by an approximate cost per unit. Not required specific drawings, specifications, only the concept of the project relevant to the required function. For example: Schools costs per pupil enplace Hospitals costs per bed enplace Car parks cost per car space Estimate = Standard units of accommodation x Cost per unit Cube method Design Stage This is the superseded method because of inherent disadvantages; this method needs some sketch drawings, historical cost data, and also important estimator experience. It is based on association between building volume and unit cost. For example: Superficial area method RIBA Stage B Strategic Briefing and also can be used for Stage C This is presently most common use method, its use for early price estimating purposes. The area of each of the floors multiplied by the cost per square meter. Mostly important Storey heights, plan shape and methods for when choose on the rate need be used. For example: Story enclosure unit method This technique use weightings for the estimating the building elements Elemental Cost estimating Detail Design Stage (Production information Stage F) This can use to establish the approximate cost of a construction project. It analyzes, the cost of the project on an elemental basis using from other similar projects. Also provides cost advice during the design process. Detail drawings are required. For example: Approximate Cost estimating Approximate quantities present additional detailed approximate estimate. No particular rules of measurement exist, Also significantly more information is required from the designer.. For example: Resource analysis (Pre Construction Stage Tender Documentation -G) This method is traditionally adopted by contractors estimators to determine their individual rates for measured items in bills of quantities. All individual measured items are analyzed into its element parts such as labour, materials and plant. This method is not a pre-tender method of price prediction strictly. For example: Explain the pre-contract cost planning and cost controlling process with respect to the RIBA plan of work a client/ consultant may adopt during each stage What Is Pre-contract Cost Planning? Pre Cost planning is very important to successful planning, design and construction of projects and is aimed at providing best value solutions. Essentially it is a pre-costing method of a project. As well as Pre-estimation of a design proposal will give clear picture about the cost to the employer and design team to make decisions regarding the project to make sure value for money. Pre-Contract Cost Planning Process The pre-contract cost planning process according to the RIBA plan of work 1998; it can be described as follows. Graph 2.1 Pre-stage A (Establish the budget) Client is the appointing client management team (Consultants) such as, client representative, cost consultant, according to his requirements. Identify objectives, physical scope of project, standard of quality of building and services, timeframe and establishing the budget. Emphasis nature of clients problems and functional requirements on proposed project. Work Stage A (Options Appraisal) Consultant has to identify of client prerequisite and possible limitation on development and cost of the ideal solution. Prepare technical, functional and cost studies by consultant and then it should enable to the client to take decision on his project weather he can continue the first proposal or could do some changes to the first proposal etc. also select the possible procurement method. Work Stage B (Strategic Brief) Consultant has to prepare initial cost suggestion to the client based on an outline statement of clients needs, also to determine target cost. This establish an initial budget for client Client has to investigate availability of finance for the project and value of money framework. Pre Contract Cost Control Generally Pre contract cost controlling process is implement from this stage according to the RIBA work plan mentioned chart 1.2, Pre Contract Cost Control process give to ensure the cost of the project is within the clients budget or not. Hence pre contract cost control is very essential in a project since it is planning, design finalizing and tendering and selecting a suitable contractor too. Outline Proposals- Stage C Consultant involves preparing outline proposal and estimate of cost as initial cost plan. Investigate the site conditions and preliminary sketches for requirement of cost plan by consultant. Evaluate strategic brief through consideration of time, cost, risk and environmental issues. Establish design management procedures and prepare initial cost plan, project program, and cash flow. Detailed Proposals Stage D At this stage, consultant prepares full detailed proposals for the client, and also prepares firm cost plan detailed elemental cost plan etc. Clint tem evaluate outline proposals for make final decision, Receive design and cost input from client appointed team and extend detailed design solution. Development control submission. Review procurement advice. Final Proposals Stage E Consultant has to prepared final proposal for the project at this stage. Carry out cost check of the design as it develop against the cost plan, hence it Confirmation of the cost limits for the project. Most cost effective in satisfying level of project brief to confirm or put final budget and to check the elemental cost targets. Cost checks design against cost plan. Decide on procurement methods. Consultant, they attending to review design and cost plan. Consultant has to prepare all required submission for legal approvals. Production Information Stage F All legal approvals should have completed when at this stage. This is the assessment of lowest acceptable tender price based on completed contract documents. Ensure that the completed designs are controlled within the cost limits. Prepare all co-ordinate production information including location. Arrange bring together all component drawings, schedules and specifications. Supply all required information for final cost checks of design against cost plan. Explain the term life cycle costing and related terminology. Definition of the life cycle costing According to definition of Hoar and Norman (1990) appropriately defined the life cycle cost of an advantage as the present value of total cost of the asset over its operating life including initial capital costs, occupational costs, operating costs and the cost or benefit of the eventual disposal of the asset at the end of its life. Hence life cycle costing related with the time stream of costs and benefits that flow throughout the life of the project. There are number of term use in industry to identify different stages in the life cycle costing techniques, hence flowing are the specially use in construction industry. Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) Quantity surveyor assist to prepare this, based on collection and analysis of historic data on actual costs of occupying building (running cost and performance). Life cycle cost management (LCCM) Actually it is derived from life cycle cost analysis and identities, by this way client can be compare building cost and controlling occupancy cost throughout the life of building to get maximum value. Life cycle planning (LCCP) This is as part of life cycle cost management; it is constitute the prediction of total costs of a building, part or individual element taking account of initial capital costs, subsequent running cost and residual values. There are numerous costs associated with acquiring, operating, maintaining, and disposing of a building or building system. Building-related costs usually fall into the following categories: Initial Costs-Purchase, Acquisition, Construction Costs Fuel Costs Operation, Maintenance, and Repair Costs Replacement Costs Residual Values-Resale or Salvage Values or Disposal Costs Finance Charges-Loan Interest Payments Non-Monetary Benefits or Costs Only those costs within each category that are relevant to the decision and significant in amount are needed to make a valid investment decision. Costs are relevant when they are different for one alternative compared with another; costs are significant when they are large enough to make a credible difference in the LCC of a project alternative. For Example: Image of a bar graph showing the 30 Year Cost of a Building. The design and construction are at 2% of the cost, maintenance costs are at 6% and personnel salaries are at 92%. Viewed over a 30 year period, initial building costs account for approximately just 2% of the total, while operations and maintenance costs equal 6%, and personnel costs equal92%.Graphic: Sieglinde Fuller Source: Sustainable Building Technical Manual / Joseph J. Romm, Lean and Clean Management, 1994. Life cycle costing Terminology Explain the Quantity Surveyors role as a cost manager, in the life cycle of the project. Role of the Quantity Surveyor as a Cost Manager Quantity surveyor is the person/ firm who manage the cost relating to the construction projects, such as new constructions, maintenance work and renovations. Quantity surveyor monitors the cost of every aspects of a construction project as a cost manager, as well as seeks to minimize the costs of the project and to make more cost savings while ensuring the total cost of project does not exceed the estimated cost. Furthermore when study about Quantity Surveyors in Cost manger position also have to be identified their duties and Responsibilities properly. Conducting feasibility studies and writing procurement reports. Managing estimating and cost planning activities to include taking ownership of and presenting the final cost plan. Managing the procurement process, ensuring that all stages including pre-qualification, enquiry, analysis, selection and contract preparation are performed effectively. Ensuring that post-contract cost variances and change control processes are managed effectively. Ensuring that cost checking and valuation work is managed effectively. Ensuring the production of monthly post-contract cost reports and presenting them to the client. Value engineering and life cycle costing. Ensuring that final accounts are negotiated and agreed. Taking a lead role in interfacing with the client and other consultants, at all project stages. Working with Associate Directors and Directors to construct bids for new work. Identifying and acting upon opportunities to improve cost management procedures, templates and products.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Great Expectations: Injustices And Poor Conditions Committed On Women :: Great Expectations Essays
Great Expectations: Injustices and Poor Conditions Committed On Women and Children Great Expectations, authored by Victorian novelist Charles Dickens, is considered one of his finest works of literature. It was indicative of Dickens's strong feelings for injustices and poor conditions committed on women and children of that time. Through the main character, Pip, Dickens's demonstrated the compassion he felt for children. Most readers, like myself, are able to associate Pip's experiences with their own. Pip endeavored upon many things that I can see myself doing. From the beginning of the novel Pip had felt an impending feeling of guilt. It is a common theme in Great Expectations and is one that I have felt numerous times before. In one instance, my friends and I were at a party playing with a water balloon launcher shooting balloons down the street. My neighbors had just put in a new set of porch windows that were quite expensive. With a slight aiming misalignment we broke a window and had to confess to my neighbor and give her our apologies. Pip, however, had the guilt weighed on his conscience forever-he did not have the courage to tell Mrs. Joe that he had taken a pork pie that was for Christmas dinner. Mrs. Joe only made it harder for Pip when she asked, "And were the deuce ha' you been?" (page 20). Pip had to make a moral judgment about whether or not to tell the truth about what he did and is challenged with many more of these decisions throughout the book. Pip was later introduced to Estella, Ms. Havisham's adopted daughter, whom was taught to pursue retribution on all of the male population for her "mother". Pip became easily infatuated with Estella's good looks, money, and attitude. Estella considered Pip to be common and pointed out the ways when she said, "He calls the knaves, jacks, this boy! And what coarse hands he has! And what thick boots!" (page 55). Pip once again has the feeling of guilt, this time for just being a common laborer and the humility of his background. I have felt intimidated just as Pip was. It is extremely uncomfortable to be around someone who arrogantly shows that they are of a "higher class" than you. In my own experience some adults speak condescendingly to teenagers and it causes me to feel like less of a person just like Pip did. Pip has also felt extreme amounts of stress throughout the novel. Everyone is always encouraging him to satisfy his "great expectations". I have been pressured in a comparable way in early schooling when I was accepted to the
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Islam in Seven Pages Essay
Islam is regarded as one of the world’s top religions in terms of denomination. It has been practiced around the world for almost all known human history. Followers of the Islam religion are all over the globe, present in almost every country. They are people whom we encounter or may encounter in our daily lives. Islam followers had been victims to reckless stereotyping and false assumptions. So to clear these up, it is just fair that we should at least take a peek into the subject and try to understand the nature of Islam. The Early Years of the Prophet Muhammad A simple man, destined to be one of the greatest man that ever lived. Once, there was political instability and restlessness among the people Arabia. People became far from God and care less if they are. They are worshiping idols and false gods. The situation is much like what the whole world is experiencing in the present era. A simple man, a working-class type of man, was chosen by the one God himself, to carry out the messages of God to relieve the world from its impurities that are causing its own miseries. Muhammad entered the world in 570 A. D. The name Muhammad literally translates as â€Å"praiseworthy. †Unfortunately for the young Muhammad, his father died just four months after his birth and his mother departed when he was only six years of age. He was an orphan, and so his uncle took care of him. He worked as a shepherd boy for his neighbors and a camel driver, traversing the Arabia-Syria route for his uncle. Through hard-work and dedication, He did well in the business of handling trade caravans for merchants. His clients gave him the nickname â€Å"Al-Amin†which means â€Å"trustworthy. †Through this career, his travels paved the way for him to be in contact with people of other nationalities and faith. When he reached the age of 25, he was employed by Khadija, a wealthy widow, who later on became his wife. The couple enjoyed a happy and loving marriage. A man having many wives was a common practice during that time, but Muhammad had only one wife, even when after she passed away only 24 years after their marriage. Tragedy has gotten its fair share with this man. He had his ups and downs, much like everyone else in this planet. But something great was destined for this man. He is soon to be experiencing an encounter of divine proportions. The Prophet’s Life in Mecca During Muhammad’s late 30’s, he developed the habit of taking regular visits to a cave in Mount Hira, located in the outskirts of Mecca, to mediated and find solitude away from the problems of society. In 610 A. D, during the time Khadija was still alive, in one of his visits he rushed to their home telling his wife that an angel appeared before him. His wife was initially shocked but later on became his first convert. It was Angel Gabriel that appeared before him. The angel told him that God commands him to proclaim His word among his fellow human beings. He was reluctant to follow the command at first. He sees himself as just a normal person. He fearfully replied that he is not fit for the job. The angel commanded that Muhammad must speak for God to his people. Speak about His message that He will teach humanity what we do not know. And about God’s incomparable glory and generosity to his creations. The angel continued to visit him. Khadija supported his husband through this experience. Muhammad managed to be convinced and confident that it is truly God that had chosen him to deliver the holy message. Since then, Muhammad was burdened the holy mission of delivering God’s words to His people. Muhammad was assigned the holy mission to change the ways of his fellow countrymen. He conveyed the holy message that they should shun away from materialism, polytheism, immorality, and should only worship Allah as the only God. But during his conveyance of the holy message, he made it clear to the people that he is not a divine being of any kind, he is simply a prophet. He clearly stated that he is not able to perform miracles, only the one God is capable of such things. He was merely a messenger of God’s commands. Almost three years had passed and there were only forty converts to the faith. This is because many people in Mecca opposed the message because the kind of society they are indulging themselves is jeopardized. The people in Mecca won’t simply find it easy to give up their wealthy economic status and immoral indulgences. Muhammad’s early followers were heavily persecuted by Meccans who are yet to be converted and saved by the message. The persecution has led Muhammad to decide to move to Medina for safety. The Prophet’s Life in Medina Ironically, Muhammad was born into the Quraysh tribe. And this tribe was one of the first tribe to react violently to the holy message Muhammad conveyed. They had been very careful in keeping their migration to Medina unknown to the Quraysh tribe. They moved individually and in pairs to gradually complete the secret migration. During this time, the Quraysh tribe are considering their methods of action towards Muhammad. They’ve came up with imprisonment, exile, and the final decision was murder. The angry Meccans trailed Muhammad and his followers on their way to Medina. By the greace of God, they managed to escape the Meccans by hiding inside a cave. Upon their arrival at Medina, 73 converts pledged loyalty to Muhammad. During his first year in Medina, he authored the Constitution of Medina which is a formal agreement between him and the important tribes in the area. It is mainly concerned the rivalry of clans and to bring it into an end. As an effect, it bonded Muslim, Jewish and Pagans of Medina into a peaceful community. Muhammad later on led the Battle of Badr against the Quraysh. This was has been on-going for a long time and Muhammad’s victory is attributed to divine intervention. Muhammad was also a key factor in winning other battles over those in contention with the faith.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Interview Topic: Cultural Differences Between Austrian and Indian
Interview-Guide Topic: Cultural differences between Austrian and Indian employees/managers. Dear Interviewee, We are primarily interested in your personal experiences, and all questions are to be seen as related to you! †¢Name : Birgitt †¢Native Country (indicate any double citizenship): Austria †¢Gender: Female †¢Country(ies) visited: South America, Asia, Europe and Australia †¢Age : 25 Q1: Explain generally where the greatest differences between Austrian and Indian worklife are to be found. There are generally more Indians employed for a job that is usually done by only one Austrian.Time perception is different. I think Indians have more working hours. Q2: How do you feel that your country is different than other countries? I like it because India is a country that is still in transition and is very dynamic. In Austria the development seems to be limited already. Q3 : What can you point out as being the most important cultural difference between an Indian a nd Austrian/European ? -Perception of cleaness is different -People in India seem to be more laid back -The importance of religion is higher in general Man are more dominant Q4 : What stereotypes do people in your country generally use to describe the following groups (don't describe your own people if listed below): * The Americans: stupid, fat and superstitious * The French: arrogant, unfriendly and not willing to speak English * The Germans: punctual and boring * The Indians: nodding with there head a different way, funny and lazy Q5 : When you travel abroad, do you think that these preconceptions are justified (on a scale from 1 to 5)? 1 (In general Yes) 2 3 – sometimes yes, sometimes no. !!!!!!! 4 5 (Not at all) Give examples: Q6 : How do you perceive the professional communication between foreign (Austrian/European ) and Indian employees? -Formal -Friendly, small talk on the beginning -Showing strong interest about the other country -Indians more friendly, Austrians mor e focussed and harsh Q7: How do organizational principles in India differ from Austrian ones? Indians like to foresee everything and plan in advance, Austrians more flexible in plan making (short time) Q8 : In the business world, would you say that: The level of responsibility given to people is linked to: (several answers are possible) * their position in the company ? my answer * the number of years spent in the company * their age * their sex * other: -The boss of a company: * is hard to reach * can be reached easily ? my answer * needs to have authority * doesn't try to appear powerful Q9: In your society, information is generally transmitted ? * directly, through explicit messages, so as not to waste time. ? my answer * indirectly, through many unspoken messages. other: Q10: How are foreigners accepted in India? Do you have experiences concerning expatriates and their acceptance by Indian employees? I don’t have experience but I was told that they integrate foreigner pre tty fast Q11: How important is the topic of religion in daily worklife in India? Really important, in Austria it is not. Q 12: Would you say that your country is rather turned towards Individualism or Collective/group spirit (on a scale from 1 to 5) 1 (Individualism) ? very individualistic 2 3 4 5 (Collective/group spirit)Q13: Rank the following concepts from 1 (positive) to 5 (negative) depending on their positive or negative value in your society? * clearness: 1 * saving one's face: 4 * frankness: 3 * working in group: 2 * personal pride: 3 * competition: 3 Q14: The tendency to change companies or jobs in india is: * high * low * other: don’t know Q15: As far as time organization, people in india: tend to do * do just one thing at a time ? my answer * do several things at once * other: tend to be * very punctual * rather punctual * rarely on time ? my answer * never on time other: tend to * strictly follow what they have planned to do * modify their agenda and therefore pos tpone what they have planned ? my answer * other: Q16: How important is money in India? Do you have the feeling that bargaining is important in India ? Money is not that important in India as it is in Austria, but bargaining is more important than in Austria Q17 : Do you have any ideas on how to solve problems of Austrian companies in India? Being patient and adopt to the culture, slow down a bit and introduce clear rules and make clear that they have to be followed 8 : How would you generally describe an Indian? Do you think that Indians and Austrians/European overlook the cultural differences or are they aware of them? Indians are laid back on the one hand but also very committed to things like religion and family. They are very helpful and not that selfish as Europeans. I think that Europeans are aware of the cultural differences but still cannot get a feeling of it till they are actually visiting India. ? Please feel free to add your own suggestions and comments on this topic or on the survey itself? Thank you for taking part in the survey?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
John Locke and American Foundations in Government essays
John Locke and American Foundations in Government essays John Lockes ideas and theories on the state of nature and how it applies to government are used in many American historical documents. These documents, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, are essential in the way that our government functions today. John Locke, a philosopher during the Age of Enlightenment, wrote the Second Treatise on Civil Government. This writing contained his theories and opinions on the reason there is a government, and how it should be run. John Lockes theories on natural rights of man, equality, and a properly functioning government are incorporated into our earliest historical documents, and lay a foundation for the government that exists today. In the Second Treatise on Civil Government, John Locke writes that men exist in a natural state of freedom and equality. In this state of nature, there is a law. This law states that no man ought to harm another in his life, liberty, or possessions.(Locke) But there is a problem with this state of nature. According to Locke, the property he [man] has in this state [of nature] is very unsafe, very insecure.(Locke) So in order to preserve ones natural rights, one would have to find some means of protection. The end result is that men will unite under a commonwealth, and put themselves under a government, for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties, and estates.(Locke) Locke believes that government is a natural occurrence, and that government is a necessity for survival. Without government, the world would eventually deteriorate into chaos, and most peoples rights would be lost. Locke also states that there is a need for a fair government with established laws. Lockes wri tings also demand a fair and just ruler. Locke writes, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them unde...
Monday, October 21, 2019
buy custom Environment Protection and Sustainable Development
buy custom Environment Protection and Sustainable Development Environment Protection and Global Warming Introduction The environment is an essential part of human existence and people are required to protect the environment for future generations as part of sustainability. They have to take care of the environment even as they rely on its resources in their daily lives. However, the global warming debate has not lacked controversy as different ecologists come up with diverse perspectives on the actual nature of climatic changes. Admittedly, global warming has massively caused diverse changes to the environment, and this has led to the development of differing perspectives on its actual nature. In some quarters, human beings have been blamed to be the sole contributors to global warming. Other ecologists affirm that human beings cannot be solely blamed for the rampant global warming since it is a natural occurrence that has been in existence from time immemorial. The different perspectives raised on the nature of global warming have necessitated further research on global warming with a view to establishing the truth behind this disastrous happening. Other ecological perspectives on global warming relate to the actual effects on global warming on the Earth. Some believe that global warming is taking a toll on Earth a high rate while others opine that the real effects of global warming are bound to be felt centuries after now. It is vital for humans to gain an in depth understanding of their own environment and factors that might contribute to its degradation. This will be vital in the understanding of the association between human activities and global warming that has been the bone of controversy around the globe.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How To Build The Highest-Trafficked Website With Mike Danner
How To Build The Highest-Trafficked Website With Mike Danner How can you grow your website to become the world’s largest in your niche? Traffic without conversions does not let you influence profitable customer action, which marketing is designed to do. How can you get more results from your Website traffic? Marketing automation with Google provides prospective customers with what they want and when they need it to help influence their purchase decisions. Today, we’re talking to Mike Danner, vice president of digital marketing at Ancient Nutrition. He helped the company’s Website, Dr. Axe, become the largest natural health Website in the world and generate about 19 million unique visits each month. Ancient Nutrition and Dr. Axe help educate and provide supplements for those who want a natural approach Ancient Nutrition is progressive and doing things right to grow its Website Every generation requires its own revolution; current generation is focused on sustainable farming and getting rid of big manufacturing lines Ancient Nutrition evolved out of passion and vision to become #1 natural health Website in the world and buy Whole Foods some day Organic and surge approach through success leaving clues; seek the best and biggest to mimic Use automation to help increase conversions; automation through ClickFunnels improved growth for Ancient Nutrition Focus on the return received from training, not the cost of the training Organize, optimize, customize when building automation Funnels that trigger journeys include micro-intense steps (cart abandonment) Review and analyze data to make decisions; phases of data absorption, monitoring, and testing experimentation and exploitation Shiny objects are fun, but deploy something to earn money Marketing Automation and Integrative/Holistic Approach to Testing Program: How often are you going to test? What are you going to do with the data? If brand new to marketing automation, anchor toward your goals; make as much as you can evergreen, and automation’s only as good as the multiplier Links: Ancient Nutrition Dr. Axe Jim Rohn Neil Patel ClickFunnels Brad Martineau Google Analytics Tim Ferriss Austin Brawner Russell Brunson Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Mike Danner: â€Å"The marketing, the mechanics, the people- that was really laid on top of that foundation, which is just an incredible scaffolding for us to be able to build this marketing enterprise on top of.†â€Å"We were just writing the best content that we possibly could.†â€Å"We probably said the phrase- organize, optimize, customize––their mantra for building automation, which is to first get all your thoughts in paper then you get it out. Then, you optimize it.â€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Market Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Market Research - Essay Example For any new business to know about the market to be ventured into, it is necessary to conduct primary and secondary researches so as to collect qualitative and quantitative data to use in guiding its operations. It is advisable for a new entrant into the market to carry out a marketing research. This can be of great benefit to them. First, it will provide them with all the necessary information about the customers and whatever expectations they have about the new product. Besides, it can enable the investor to acquire much information about the market situations. Meaning, they will know about the available supplementary and complementary commodities, their prices, supply and demand. This will make it easier for the business to ascertain the level of competition existing in the market. By conducting a well organized and coordinated marketing research, the business will reap a lot of benefits from it such as knowing about the necessary steps to segment the available market based on the clients’ geographical, social, political, cultural, demographic, gender and age factors. This will be instrumental in knowing how to effectively utilize the available market without leaving any chance. Once the market is properly segmented, it will be easier to come up with strategies on how to satisfy each of their dynamic demands on the business’ products. The other important contribution of a market research to a business is that it can enable the management to conduct a SWOT analysis so as to be privy with the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Indeed, these are very important areas which should be adequately looked into before making the right decision on how to conquer the market. By ascertaining its threats, the organization will have to come up with creative and innovative strategies like sales promotion, quality improvement and implementing favorable pricing policies. These can put the business in a
Friday, October 18, 2019
The evalution of copycats impact in market Essay - 1
The evalution of copycats impact in market - Essay Example premise encompassed high-similarity copycats would loose while the subtle copycats gain in the presence of a leader brand (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). Since, the clients will be capable of making critical comparisons backed by former theories, which they have regarding the leader brand. Therefore, the article’s authors hypothesized that â€Å"shopping situation†usually avails consumers with an ample time meant to explicitly compare copycat brands with the leader, whereby the blatant lose and the subtle copycats gain (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). To prove this hypothesis, the authors utilized both comparative and noncomparative evaluations to ascertain which copycats’ category would gain or lose under each test (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). Results indicated that, moderate-similarity copycats gained under comparative evaluation contrary to high-similarity copycats because leader brands acted as their standard measures (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). Conversely, high-similarity copycats gained under noncomparative evaluation whereas the moderate or subtle lost due to the assimilation aspect (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). In the latter test, there was no leader brand meant for comparison, hence the clients ended up suggesting the high-similarity copycats being close to the standard brand (Van Horen & Pieters, 2012). In conclusion, despite a recent court ruling declaring reputation riding is unacceptable, subtle copycats will still benefit without the leader brands’ corporations prosecuting them (Van Horen & Pieters,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Death and Dying Rituals in Islam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Death and Dying Rituals in Islam - Term Paper Example In this paper we would be discussing about the third phase which pertains to death and afterlife. According to the Holy Koran, every person that dies would be judged by God and would receive their everlasting abode which could either be Heaven or Hell. According to Islamic traditions, after an individual’s life comes to an end, the corpse has to be buried and hence elaborate rituals involving the burying of the dead takes place when an individual is diseased. Death, according to Islam, is a passage from an earthly existence, to a pure and eternal sacred realm. (Kassis 51) Muslims believe that only God is permanent while all else perishes after a time. The Quran clearly states – â€Å"All that dwells upon the Earth is perishing, yet still abides the Face of thy Lord majestic and splendid.†(Kassis 50) According to (Chittick 126) in Islam, an individual fails to fulfill his existence on the Earth, if they follow their own desires, outside the boundary of Divine str ucture. Thus, such a failure causes a problematic condition for the human. Shedding light on this problematic condition, Streng states that â€Å"human life that does not duplicate the eternal structure of meaning and order as found in the Sacred Realm is merely a profane existence, characterized by weakness, ignorance, impurity, and meaningless.†(44).... he profane world is impure†(46) In Islam, the different customs and rituals during the burial incorporate the concept of purity and impurity of the individual’s existence. The ritual of ghusl according to Islamic culture is the preparation of the corpse for the day of resurrection. According to (Kassis 52), the corpse is washed an odd number of times to purify it from its earthly existence. During this ritual, a white shroud is wrapped around the corpse, demonstrating that though all individuals lead different lives on this earth, yet they leave this world as equals. Islamic traditions view the impure nature of the world and are emphatic about purifying the individual before entering the Sacred Realm. (Streng 46) is of the opinion that the impure nature of the person’s existence reflects the problematic condition he faces during judgment. F. Bird (35) discloses that the washing and purifying of the corpse according to the Islamic ritual in a regulative communicat ive manner symbolizes the washing ritual by the family members, to be the purification of the individual from the profane world and into eternal light. (Sacred Realm) Shedding light on the meaning of this ritual Bird states that partaking in this ceremony helps to reinforce the myths that surround it and reaffirm ‘the beliefs they embody.’ (Bird 35) According to Islamic belief man is created in the image and likeness of God and represents and reflects varying degrees of light and darkness (131) based on the quality of their existence. Human existence is provided a special place in the universe because they are created by God. Islamic traditions believe that â€Å"the structure of the universe is like a globe of infinite dimensions. The crust or outside shell is made of clay and is the visible universe
Truman's Doctrine Containing Soviet Expansion Essay
Truman's Doctrine Containing Soviet Expansion - Essay Example The relations between Soviet Union and the United States were driven by an interaction of socio-economic, political and ideological differences which led to the deterioration of relationships between the two superpowers of the world. The alliance between the two countries was purely strategic because there was a remarkable difference between the ideologies followed by the two countries. USA was the flag bearer of Capitalism whereas USSR was the country who gave birth to the communist ideology so a clash of interest always existed between the two nations leading to an eternal distrust (Kegley & Blanton, 2011). During the War, the Nazi forces in France, Italy and lower countries of Europe were defeated by the US and British forces whereas the Russian forces defeated the Nazis in Germany and Eastern Europe. The Soviet army continued to occupy the Eastern European states during the wartime and the US or the other Western powers were not in a position to do anything about it at that time. Communist governments were imposed on the Eastern European countries by USSR and Stalin started controlling these states directly and made no secret of it during the various postwar conferences. Germany was also divided into four zones controlled by USSR, USA, Britain and France. USSR considered Germany as a threat to its Communist state because of the past experiences and did not want to create a strong Germany therefore it continued to weaken Eastern Europe by taking equipment and materials (Sulzberger, 1985). The Soviet leadership was afraid of the rapid improvement in the lifestyle of people in the capitalist nations and feared that the expanding capitalism will pose a threat to the communist ideology. As a counter policy USSR started imposing communist governments in the countries controlled by the USSR after the war and communism took hold of most of the Eastern Europe and a few countries in the Far East. Harry S. Truman became the 33rd President of the United States after th e death of Franklin Roosevelt in 1945. Truman had to face a lot of challenges at the very beginning of his days in the office of the President of US and he managed to devise some very efficient policies to put an end to a number of internal and external crises (McCullough, 2003). Truman’s days in the office were marked by the end of the Second World War and he soon became aware of the expansionist expeditions of the Soviet Union. He considered the expansion of the USSR and the conversion of a considerable number of countries to communism a threat to the global peace, security and freedom. Truman set forth a policy in 1947 which clearly stated that the US will give economic and military aid to the countries which were under a threat of falling into the Soviet sphere. In one of his speeches he stated that US would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent USSR to establish a communist government in these countries. This policy of containing the expansi on of communism in the world was later termed as Truman’s Doctrine (Calvocressi, 2001). Truman clearly stated the objectives of the Doctrine and made it part of the foreign policy of the United States, in fact the various important decisions of future like the Marshall Plan and the creation of the NATO were also based on the principles laid in the Truman’s Doctrine. The purpose of the doctrine was to support free
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Shaquille O'neal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Shaquille O'neal - Research Paper Example His performance and his achievements in the field of basketball are magnificent. However, calling him just a great basketball player will be like doing injustice to his personality. His achievements, both on and off the court, shows that he is a man of versatile talents and hence, one can say that he is an all-rounder whose achievements speak volumes about his character, strength and courage. Childhood Shaquille O’Neal was born in Newark, New Jersey, on March 6, 1972 (Schaefer, 2003, p.11). Shaquille’s mother Lucille O’ Neal gave him an Arabic name ‘Shaquille’ which means ‘little warrior’ (Schaefer, 2003, p.11). Shaquille’s mother was a tall woman measuring 6 feet 2 inches in height (Smith & Wilson, 2005, p.10). Soon after finishing high school and when she was still single, Lucille O’Neal became pregnant with Shaquille (Smith & Wilson, 2005, p.10). Shaquille’s biological father never married his mother and hence, du e to lack of financial support, they lived in poor neighborhood and didn’t have much in form of financial security (Smith & Wilson, 2005, p.10). Lucille married Phillip Harrison when Shaquille was two years old (Schaefer, 2003, p.11). Shaquille called Phillip his ‘real dad’ even though he was not his biological father (Schaefer, 2003, p.11) because Phillip gave Shaquille every sort of support that a real father would have given. Shaquille has three younger siblings named Lateefah, Ayesha and Jamaal (Schaefer, 2003, p.11). Shaquille’s family never got to stay at one place for a long time as they had to move often as Phillip, being in the US Army, was transferred every two years (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). Hence, Shaquille got to stay in different places like Germany, Georgia, and New Jersey (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). Right from the childhood, Shaquille had an unusual growth pattern in his physique. He was 3 feet 10 inches tall by the age of 4, and 6 feet tall by t he age of 12 (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). Due to the unusual height and large body, he was teased by his classmates because they thought that he was lying about his age (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). However, the fact is that he was actually younger than his classmates as he had started school a year earlier (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). Fortunately, his large size did not remain his weakness for a long time as it proved to be boon in his life. Shaquille dreamt of becoming an actor or a singer in his childhood (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). However, he developed interest in basketball as he realized that his size and height were great advantage in that sport (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). Shaquille was 13 and measured 6 feet 8 inches in height when his family moved back to Germany in 1985 (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). It did not take time for him to be recognized as one of the best young basketball players in Germany (Schaefer, 2003, p.13). It was Coach Dale Brown who recognized the great potential in Shaquille Oâ€℠¢Neal and knew that there was immense talent in him waiting to be unleashed (Bernstein, 2009, p.10). The Basketball Journey When major college Coach Dale Brown from Louisiana State University saw Shaquille’s basketball abilities when he had come to the army base to give a basketball clinic, he was highly impressed and took serious interest in him (Schaefer, 2003, p.14). Coach Brown worked on Shaquille’s physical fitness as Shaquille was only 14 and was clumsy (Bernstein, 2009, p.10). Coach Brown encouraged Shaquille to work hard by making him believe that he had a potential to
Truman's Doctrine Containing Soviet Expansion Essay
Truman's Doctrine Containing Soviet Expansion - Essay Example The relations between Soviet Union and the United States were driven by an interaction of socio-economic, political and ideological differences which led to the deterioration of relationships between the two superpowers of the world. The alliance between the two countries was purely strategic because there was a remarkable difference between the ideologies followed by the two countries. USA was the flag bearer of Capitalism whereas USSR was the country who gave birth to the communist ideology so a clash of interest always existed between the two nations leading to an eternal distrust (Kegley & Blanton, 2011). During the War, the Nazi forces in France, Italy and lower countries of Europe were defeated by the US and British forces whereas the Russian forces defeated the Nazis in Germany and Eastern Europe. The Soviet army continued to occupy the Eastern European states during the wartime and the US or the other Western powers were not in a position to do anything about it at that time. Communist governments were imposed on the Eastern European countries by USSR and Stalin started controlling these states directly and made no secret of it during the various postwar conferences. Germany was also divided into four zones controlled by USSR, USA, Britain and France. USSR considered Germany as a threat to its Communist state because of the past experiences and did not want to create a strong Germany therefore it continued to weaken Eastern Europe by taking equipment and materials (Sulzberger, 1985). The Soviet leadership was afraid of the rapid improvement in the lifestyle of people in the capitalist nations and feared that the expanding capitalism will pose a threat to the communist ideology. As a counter policy USSR started imposing communist governments in the countries controlled by the USSR after the war and communism took hold of most of the Eastern Europe and a few countries in the Far East. Harry S. Truman became the 33rd President of the United States after th e death of Franklin Roosevelt in 1945. Truman had to face a lot of challenges at the very beginning of his days in the office of the President of US and he managed to devise some very efficient policies to put an end to a number of internal and external crises (McCullough, 2003). Truman’s days in the office were marked by the end of the Second World War and he soon became aware of the expansionist expeditions of the Soviet Union. He considered the expansion of the USSR and the conversion of a considerable number of countries to communism a threat to the global peace, security and freedom. Truman set forth a policy in 1947 which clearly stated that the US will give economic and military aid to the countries which were under a threat of falling into the Soviet sphere. In one of his speeches he stated that US would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent USSR to establish a communist government in these countries. This policy of containing the expansi on of communism in the world was later termed as Truman’s Doctrine (Calvocressi, 2001). Truman clearly stated the objectives of the Doctrine and made it part of the foreign policy of the United States, in fact the various important decisions of future like the Marshall Plan and the creation of the NATO were also based on the principles laid in the Truman’s Doctrine. The purpose of the doctrine was to support free
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Prairie Dog Essay Example for Free
The Prairie Dog Essay Cynomys ludovicianus, known more commonly as the prairie dog, has more traditionally been viewed as the pariah of the prairie. However within the last year, attention has been drawn to these furry little rodents. They are extremely unpopular-Â so much so that for decades the Federal Government has tried desperately to eliminate them. What the government doesnt know is that these creatures are vital to the survival and thriving of several species, and are in fact an asset to our world. Prairie dogs are rodents, closely related to their predator, the black-footed ferret. They live in complicated underground systems, or communities sometimes called dog towns. These dog towns are scattered across the prairie from Canada to Mexico. They graze, run rampant, and dart from one opening to another in continuous action. This action attracts several other plains animals including bison, burrowing owls, golden eagles, ferruginous hawks, antelope, coyotes, and others. The prairie dog is the center of the Great Plains animal community. There are only a handful of sites in the entire West where the species is not under eradication. It is speculated that the species has declined 98 percent across its habitat. In national parks, prairie dogs colonies are fragmented, isolated, and downright tiny. Today only seven parks hold prairie dog populations. Four places- Bens Old Fort National Historic Site, Scotts Bluff National Monument, Devils Tower National Monument, and Fort Laramie National Historic Site- active dog towns are no more than 20 acres. The other three- Badlands, Wind Cave, and Theodore Roosevelt National park- are larger. But the biggest, the Badlands, is barely 4,200 acres. The total area occupied by prairie dogs isnt more than 6,000 acres. At the turn of the century, one Texas prairie dog town measured 100 by 250 miles almost the size of Maine. About 400 million animals lived there. In the 1920s, it was estimated that the population of North American prairie dogs exceeded 500 billion. As much as twenty percent of the plains may have held these animals. Of all major biomes in North America, the plains have suffered the most, and dog towns have been destroyed for plowing. Systematic poisoning has grown into a fatal threat to the prairie dogs, as well as gopher hunting, dollar-a-dog contests, and red mist destruction. Some rural towns hold contests for cash prizes for the individual who shoots the most dogs in one day, hence dollar-a-dog. In addition to the target practice is a new killer-Â sylvatic plague. It is spread by fleas, gradually diffused across the West, and to make matters worse, the little critters have little or no immunity. Once the disease enters a colony, the entire town is usually lost. There are no reserve colonies to repopulate towns that are lost due to hunting, plague, poisoning, or natural events. To tell the truth, the prairie dog ecosystems are as at much risk as the old-growth forests and salmon runs in the Pacific Northwest. The Biodiversity Legal Foundation in Colorado filed a petition in October of 1994 to list the prairie dog as a Category 2 under the Endangered Species Act. This states that federal agencies must be alerted that a species may be in jeopardy unless changes occur. Prairie dogs are considered by scientists to be a keystone species, which means that they are what a recorded 170 other wildlife species depend on. For example, they are the prime source of food for the black-footed ferret and the swift fox. Their abandoned colonies are later inhabited by anything form burrowing owls to rattlesnakes. Without the prairie dog, many dependent species will not survive. Their ecosystems support higher numbers of small mammals , more terrestrial predators, and higher densities, and greater diversity of bird species than grasslands without these rodents. Whats the greatest irony in the decline of the prairie dog is that it cannot be justified. Even the livestock industrys claims that prairie dogs compete with their cattle for forage appear vacuous. Studies have shown that prairie dogs actually improve forage quality for livestock. One study in South Dakota documented that livestock grazing near dog towns suffered neither weight loss nor a reduction in weight gain. And, prairie dogs thrive where trampling and grazing by livestock reduce grass height. Parks are very frightened at the idea of human visitors contracting plagues from prairie dogs. They often conduct spot treatments with poisoned oats, gas, and more. This destruction is hypocritical of the National Parks philosophy to protect native species. Poisoning of the rodents continued in the Badlands up until 1993, one year before the reintroduction of black-footed ferrets. On public and private lands, the poison of choice is zinc phosphate. Oats and other grains are laced with the chemical and then sprinkled around the colony. The death is slow and painful, taking up to twelve hours, and causing them to go into convulsions and seizures. The most disgusting method, however, is a backpackable flamethrower. Combustible gas is thrown into the burrows, is ignited, and burns the rodents alive. A change in attitude towards prairie dogs is gaining momentum. Several policy changes are in line, including a colony monitoring system to help us learn more about the natural habitat and behavior of the furry mammals. In pre-settlement days, Great Plains ecosystems were characterized by a dynamic shifting puzzle of intense disturbance created by heavy bison grazing, wildfire, prairie dog colonization, expansion, and decline. Today, few places exist where all three major disturbance factorsbison, wildfire, and prairie dogs-Â occur on any acreage. Such rigid boundaries that the colonies are in may not provide room for expansion. As the human population dwindles in the rural plains, room for a buffalo-prairie dog commons is highly plausible. We spent 100 years what has taken thousands of years to evolve. Now we should be asking what role they play in prairie ecosystems and providing them the space and respect they need to evolve to their potential.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Economic Factors Leading To Increased Crime Rate Economics Essay
Economic Factors Leading To Increased Crime Rate Economics Essay 1-Introduction Economic prosperity serves as a backbone for the overall progress of a nation. One thing is common in all developed nations- they are economically sound. When citizens of a country are freed from the worries of earning a livelihood to sustain their lives, they divert their attention to more useful things. They focus on education, improvise healthcare, develop technologies that make life easy and much more. Poor economic condition is the root cause of so many problems that exist in a society. The Beckers paper opened the door to a new field of empirical research whose main purpose was to verify and study the socioeconomic variables that affect crime. The economics of crime interacts with different and heterogeneous fields, i.e. (Sociology, Criminology, Psychology, Geography and Demography) and it is closely related to poverty, social exclusion, wage and income inequality, cultural and family background, level of education and other economic and socio-demographic factors that may affect an individuals propensity to commit crime such as age, gender and urbanization. [1] Crime is an activity which is against the law and the fact that the linkage between criminal activities and the socio-economic development of the society is undeniable. Crimes are associated with economic downturns and it is believed that crimes generally tend to rise during recessions and when economy is not performing well. As we know unemployment increases dramatically during bad economy which can lead to more cases of depression and increased number of crimes. The most obvious cases are drugs and alcohol. People suffering from depression often turn to drugs for refuge. Increase in drug taking leads to more drug related crimes. Drug dealing will become higher if demand is higher and when people do not have much to buy the drugs they will commit theft for money. It is also more likely that people will commit crimes, such as those involving violence, if they are intoxicated by drugs or alcohol. On the other side economic development are also dependent upon reduction in crimes. Keepi ng crime rates low now is the best guarantee that cities across the country will be able to exploit the inevitable economic recovery when it comes. [2] A recession leads to more debt. If people spiral into debt they are liable to become more desperate. This particularly increases crimes such as theft. People are more likely to steal so they can pay off their debts. They may also turn to other illegal ways to make money if they feel that there are no legitimate ways of earning. Violence is another area that can increase during a recession. People are more liable to get angry when times are tough, and therefore are more likely to turn violent. People may be angry with their employer who has made them redundant, or the government because they dont feel that they are being helped sufficiently, meaning they are generally more disgruntled with the world. People may also become more hostile towards each other. In particular those who are struggling may be angry towards those who are not. There has been a recent example of this in Ireland, where there were instances of violence towards some Romanian immigrants. The reason for this was attributed to some being angry that the immigrants had taken their jobs, although they were jobs local people hadnt applied for at the time of the vacancies.Family break ups are sometimes more likely to occur during a recession. Debt can cause stress within the family and lead to marriages breaking up. The breakup of parents can have an effect on children. They also show these children are 70% more likely to finish school without any qualifications. This is significant as a high percentage of crime is shown to be committed by those with a poor education. [3] There has not been undertaken a systematic comprehensive study for Pakistan on the above mentioned issue. Several explanations have been provided on crime in the literature but none of these provide a sound analysis of linkage between urbanization and crime. Therefore, there is dire need to fill this gap in the literature by conducting an empirical investigation on the relationship between crime and urbanization. This provides the motivation for the underlying study. More specifically, the objective of this study is to find the relationship between crimes and urbanization and some other macroeconomic factors such as unemployment, and inflation. The question is what will be the impact on crimes when large numbers of people settle down in a single city? Using time series data for Pakistan the study covers the period of 2007-2011. The results indicate that there is a positive association between urbanization and crime in Pakistan. Moreover, unemployment, inflation, and income inequality are also important determinants of crimes. Education, on the other hand, is found to have a negative effect on criminal activities. Rest of the study proceeds as follows; Section II briefly reviews the related literature on crimes and their determinants. Section III discusses the theoretical model and the econometric methodology used in the study. Detail of variables, results and interpretations are presented in Section IV. Section V concludes the study. 3-Economy of Pakistan. Economic prosperity serves as a backbone for the overall progress of a nation. One thing is common in all developed nations- they are economically sound. When citizens of a country are freed from the worries of earning a livelihood to sustain their lives, they divert their attention to more useful things. They focus on education, improvise healthcare, develop technologies that make life easy and much more. Poor economic condition is the root cause of so many problems that exist in a society. 3.1- GDP Growth. In the context of Pakistan, owing to the fact that it is a developing nation, there is no wonder that it is surrounding with a number of social and economical problems. The real issue is not the presence of these problems in society because, as stated earlier, there is no concept of an ideal society in the world. Every country in the world has its own set of socio-economic problems. The main issue is the extent and intensity of the socio-economic problems of Pakistan which have soared to alarming levels. Today, Pakistans economy remains somewhat backwards. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Pakistan expanded 2.39 percent in the second quarter of 2011 over the previous quarter. [4] 3.2 Inflation The inflation rate in Pakistan was last reported at 10.2 percent in November of 2011. From 2003 until 2010, the average inflation rate in Pakistan was 10.15 percent reaching an historical high of 25.33 [5] percent in August of 2008 and a record low of 1.41 percent in July of 2003. Inflation rate refers to a general rise in prices measured against a standard level of purchasing power. The most well known measures of Inflation are the CPI which measures consumer prices, and the GDP deflator, which measures inflation in the whole of the domestic economy. 4 Crimes in Pakistan Crime Statistics of Pakistan shows that there is a rapid increase in the number of crime reported over time like other countries of the world. It may be because of high unemployment, rising poverty, increasing inflation and urbanization. [6] .Despite the efforts and measures taken by the government and tall claims of law enforcement agencies for busting gangs, the crime rate in the country is increasing day by day and the crime rate is said to be touching 20.1 percent during the last one year in all over the country. the graph of vehicle theft and snatching, mobile phones snatching , fatal incidents and general crimes is on rise while police and other law enforcers are raising pleasant slogans and making non-stop claims for busting criminal gangs and rounding up individuals indulging in vehicle snatching and other crimes. If crime was a rational response to income inequality, the thinking went; government can best fight it through social services and wealth redistribution, not through arrests and incarceration. [7] According to data collected by online from National Police Bureau (NPB) shows that there are 59189 proclaimed offenders involved in major crimes while police has succeeded to arrest 70948 POs during year 2008 but still 59000 are operating. Amazingly, the numbers also increased from 58615 in 2008 to 59189 in 2009. According to the data, Punjab is still on top position with record number of 25991 proclaimed offenses while Sind is on second with 18373 offenders, NWFP 9514, Baluchistan 2659, Federal Capital 1777, Northern areas 446 and AJK have 429 proclaimed offenders. [8] 4.1. Economic Factors leading to increased crime rate in Pakistan. 4.11 Poverty Lack of basic necessities is called Poverty. The people all over the world are facing serious problems of poverty. The results show that poverty also causes crime. The poor have limited income and resources to satisfy their desires and wants. In Pakistan the poverty statistics show dismal picture besides increasing income inequality. The low income means low saving potential which results in low standard of living. The low income in relation to increase prices (inflation) has crime instigating effect by reducing individuals moral threshold. Therefore, it can be concluded that people in poverty are induced to commit crime. The results of Granger causality through Toda-Yamamoto procedure affirm that poverty causes crime. [9] A great percentage of people in world are below the average line of poverty and such condition leads to begin cultural crime such as Suicide, Murder ETC. Almost 70% population of Pakistan live in villages. Most of them dont have access to sufficient basic needs of life. They are struggling for bread and butter. A large chunk of population lives below poverty line. They live in miserable conditions. Lack of proper food, clothing and shelter, poor sanitation, unsafe and sometimes dirty drinking water are just some of their many problems. Poverty itself gives rise to various other social problems. It deprives children of poor people to access education and healthcare. We read crime stories in newspapers that are characterized by lower orders of society who adopt illegal channels to get the financial prosperity which they cannot achieve otherwise. 4.12 Illiteracy. The illiteracy rate all over the world is increasing and the prime reason beside it is the high cost of education and lack of institutions and access. People due to lack of resources are unable to educate their childrens and so chain is developed with ever increasing illiteracy.In Pakistan Illiteracy is yet another problem. The literacy rate lingers on 56%. Over the decades, despite decreasing, illiteracy rate in Pakistan has shown an upward trend. Not only that but enrollment ratio of students at primary level has shown a decreasing trend. The facts that 50 percent of children do not complete their primary education testify this fact. Despite spending millions on it, government has failed to achieve literacy rates comparable to other countries in South Asia. 4.13- Corruption Corruption is the prime reason behind the economical unstableness. Corruption has spread into the world and has ruined the economy. Just as a weed spread in the field and affect the yield of the crop. Corruption is the mother of other problem such as unemployment which will be discussed later. According to latest report of Transparency International, Pakistans Corruption Perceptions Index declined to 2.3 in 2010 against 2.4 in 2009, and out of 178 countries, its ranking as most corrupt country jumped from 42 in 2009 to 34 in 2010. [10]  Corruption in government departments is so much deep-rooted that a common concept prevails that the system doesnt let honest people to work peacefully. There is a lack of responsibility due to which wealthy people and those in power are sure that they cant be held responsible for their deeds. So they keep on looting the national treasures and find ways to legalize their black-money. Many corrupt people dont even bother to do that. 4.14- Unemployment Unemployment is a major social problem caused by poor economical system. Whole world is facing serious problems of unemployment and the reason behind it is the unstable economy. Lack of funds followed by unorganized system and lack of new projects are causing unemployment worldwide. Therefore the serving of deserving people is not used, causing loss to both country and the person. The results of the data analysis reveal that unemployment in Pakistan Granger causes crime. The reason is that unemployment rate in a country is a complementary indicator of income opportunities in the legal labour market. Therefore, when, unemployment rate increases the opportunities for earning income decreases which instigate the individuals to commit crime. The costs of committing crime go down for unemployed workers. The results of causality support this proposition that unemployment causes crime. [11] In Pakistan major portion of population consists of youth and a large number of young people who have the ability and are willing to work are unemployed. Currently rate of unemployment as per official resources is 7.4% but according to some private estimates the rate of unemployment is 12%. [12] There are many reasons of unemployment like influx of machinery that has replaced manpower, lack of new industries and defective education system. But the impacts of unemployment are more serious and dangerous. People who dont find work here migrate to other countries with better prospects. Also, people tired of making both ends meet due to unemployment indulge in evil activities and ratio of crimes increase. 4.15- Health Problem Health is another social problem caused by poor economical conditions. The cost of living is ever increasing and shortage of funds is a usual problem worldwide. There are less hospitals and medical centers and if there are any, the people are unable to afford their and their children health expenses so the health problems grow unchecked. 4.16- War on Terrorism War against terrorism is another very important reason behind the economical problem. War benefits none, someone is hurt badly and someone is destroyed completely. War is affecting the worlds economy and is causing problems like shortage of fuel, lack of funds, increase in health problem etc. When we talk about Pakistan, Due to war on terror, local people of war-ridden areas are migrating to other areas of Pakistan. Country has seen the largest migration since independence in 1947. These people have left their homes, businesses, possessions and property back home. This large influx of people and their rehabilitation is an economic burden for Pakistan. Unemployment is already common and now the question of providing employment to these migrants has also become a serious concern. This portion of population is contributing nothing worthwhile to the national income yet they have to be benefited from it. This unproductive lot of people is a growing economic problem of Pakistan. 4.17 Lack of tourism Lack of tourism is also a cause of the declining in economy. Northern areas of Pakistan have been a place of great tourist attraction. The beautiful hills, the lush green valleys, shimmering lakes and flowing waterfalls brought many a tourist from all over the world to Pakistan. This contributed to foreign exchange. Tourism Industry was one of the booming industries of Pakistan. Besides attracting foreign exchange, it also provided employment to local people. Also, tourist industry was a source of friendly relations with other countries. If the tourists are to come here in large numbers next year and feel comfortable, then streets should be cleared of the crimes now called street crimes. It is one thing to snatch mobile phones by the dozen everyday and quite another to relieve women of their jewelry. And there are bank robberies and snatching of money as the customers come out with that from banks. What is worse is resistance to such crimes which is fatal in too many cases. [13] Nevertheless, war on terrorism has served as a serious blow to the tourism industry of Pakistan. Local as well as foreign media has projected Pakistan as a dangerous and unsafe country. Its poor law and order situation has alarmed the tourist and thus Northern areas no more receive many tourists. 4.18 Loss in Business The poor economical system affects the business very badly. People all over the world are facing serious losses in business. In Pakistan sugar, cement and shoe industry is on its downfall while textile industry is breathing its last. Foreign investors are not ready to setup their businesses in Pakistan. They have their own set of problems which include painful and lengthy procedure of getting licenses and work permits in Pakistan, power crises, terrorism and declining exports. Multinational Companies are unwilling to open their offices and franchises in Pakistan. More than 70 Multinational Companies have already packed up their business from Pakistan. Now adding to the cost of doing business in Pakistan is the frequent wheel jam strikes. [14] 5- Conclusion The first and the main conclusion is that there is positive association of depriving economic conditions with crimes in Pakistan. We conclude that bad economy is very important determinant of crimes in case of Pakistan. This robust analysis shows the very strong positive relation of urbanization with crimes in Pakistan. The other outcome is that in Pakistan inflation, unemployment and income inequality also the main determinants of crimes. Education also shows positive relation with crimes but this is not the right sign because we estimate model with urbanization, unemployment and with education then its sign become negative. It means that unemployment captures the sign of education so its right sign is negative. If there is more high education in Pakistan then this will reduce the crimes also. This study brings the important policy implications. In order to reduce the crime rate it is important that economic growth has to be favorable for poor class of the society. It should follow a path that directs resources to those sectors where majority of the poor exist like agriculture sector and the areas where they live (comparatively less developed areas). [15] The policy makers should make some planning to improve the economy and should provide more chance of employment and more capacity to absorb the rapid urbanization. After getting good education people dont have suitable job. Then those persons can adopt illegal ways to earn more money. But the special focus should be on infrastructure development because since 1964 urbanization increases. Second important implication is that government should create job opportunities in rural areas as well. This process will reduce the burden of unemployed persons in urban areas and finally reduce crimes. Moreover, the policy makers should try to keep inflation within acceptable limits so that the real income of consumers does not lose its purchasing power.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
G. Carter Bentley :: essays research papers
G. Carter Bentley’s practice theory is a popular approach in understanding how ethnicity is constructed and ethnic identity is maintained. Here we shift from boundaries to focus on people’s patterns of experiences, both objective and subjective. Bentley draws on Bordieu’s concepts of "habitus" and "practice". Bordieu argues that the objective conditions, mediated by systems of symbolic representations, generate in different persons dispositions to act in different ways (Bentley 1987: 28) Habitus compromises "…a set of generative schemes that produce practices and representations that are regular without reference to overt rules and that are goal directed without requiring conscious selection of goals or mastery of methods achieving them." (as quoted in Bentley, Ibid.,). Hence habits become a mechanic way of being, acting and thinking, developed through 1) social practices, 2) shared experiences, 3) experimentation and 4) comprehension of those relationships or difference at both the conscious and unconscious levels. There is constant interplay between these levels (collectively and individually). Practice is a concept linked to the Marxist tradition of emphasizing power relations. This is connected to ethnic identity in that to look at experiences people go through we have to distinguish between the different domains of experience and social practice. Analysis of different domains will tell us how they influence people’s perception of the world, of their place in society as members of a group. Because this process involves interrelationships, it is important to focus on the experience of interaction. Secondly, there must be an analysis of discourses by the state (i.e. laws, policies etc.) and how they are articulated, and how the discourses of leaders of ethnic groups find resonance by their group. Both these levels of analysis help us understand ethnicity as an ideology and how ethnic identity cannot be kept separate from experience and social practice. Bentley: ethnicity and practice Bentley demonstrates the relationship between patterns of practice and sensations of ethnic affinity by the example of a Marano woman who has struggled with a sense of ambivalent ethnicity: "…a feeling that she is neither here nor there but instead limited in a system [Philippine social context] of categorical identities" (Bentley 1987: 29). Soraya’s experience illustrates the value of the theory of practice. Sensations of ethnic affinity are founded on common life experience and of the preconscious habitus it generates that gives members of an ethnic group their sense of being familiar to each other (Bentley 1987: 33). G. Carter Bentley :: essays research papers G. Carter Bentley’s practice theory is a popular approach in understanding how ethnicity is constructed and ethnic identity is maintained. Here we shift from boundaries to focus on people’s patterns of experiences, both objective and subjective. Bentley draws on Bordieu’s concepts of "habitus" and "practice". Bordieu argues that the objective conditions, mediated by systems of symbolic representations, generate in different persons dispositions to act in different ways (Bentley 1987: 28) Habitus compromises "…a set of generative schemes that produce practices and representations that are regular without reference to overt rules and that are goal directed without requiring conscious selection of goals or mastery of methods achieving them." (as quoted in Bentley, Ibid.,). Hence habits become a mechanic way of being, acting and thinking, developed through 1) social practices, 2) shared experiences, 3) experimentation and 4) comprehension of those relationships or difference at both the conscious and unconscious levels. There is constant interplay between these levels (collectively and individually). Practice is a concept linked to the Marxist tradition of emphasizing power relations. This is connected to ethnic identity in that to look at experiences people go through we have to distinguish between the different domains of experience and social practice. Analysis of different domains will tell us how they influence people’s perception of the world, of their place in society as members of a group. Because this process involves interrelationships, it is important to focus on the experience of interaction. Secondly, there must be an analysis of discourses by the state (i.e. laws, policies etc.) and how they are articulated, and how the discourses of leaders of ethnic groups find resonance by their group. Both these levels of analysis help us understand ethnicity as an ideology and how ethnic identity cannot be kept separate from experience and social practice. Bentley: ethnicity and practice Bentley demonstrates the relationship between patterns of practice and sensations of ethnic affinity by the example of a Marano woman who has struggled with a sense of ambivalent ethnicity: "…a feeling that she is neither here nor there but instead limited in a system [Philippine social context] of categorical identities" (Bentley 1987: 29). Soraya’s experience illustrates the value of the theory of practice. Sensations of ethnic affinity are founded on common life experience and of the preconscious habitus it generates that gives members of an ethnic group their sense of being familiar to each other (Bentley 1987: 33).
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Plane Nuts :: essays research papers
Plane Nuts The date was May 26, 2005, and was a day that my life would change forever. I walked out of the flight attendant group interview session (a â€Å"cattle call†if you will) with a good feeling. Now, I played the waiting game, will I or won’t I receive a letter in the mail inviting me to training. What seemed like an eternity, in actuality was a week, I received the letter. I ran upstairs to my apartment, and on the way up noticed it was a very thin envelope. I opened the letter with a bit of hesitation and read the first line. â€Å"Congratulations Daniel Shultz, you have been accepted into training class 9-01 starting June 13th, 2001†I was ecstatic and already packing. Training was in Indianapolis, the core of boredom as I came to find out later. Training was six weeks long and brutal. My airline, American TransAir has the second toughest training in the industry. On graduation day, I was happy to finally go home for a few days before moving to San Francisco, my new base. August proved to be a tough month. My first flight was a 16 hour day. The flight was San Francisco-Honolulu-Maui-San Francisco. Of course, this makes sense, sending a first time flight attendant on a 15 hour work day. Needless to say, I learned very quickly from the experienced crew. The people were very demanding, â€Å"Bring me a pillow, bring me playing cards†After that day, I was like, â€Å"Bring me a gun.†My first angry customer came on in Maui. He was an obese man of about 50 years old and had horrendous sunburn. He had given the flight attendant in the front grief already about the plane being late. He, of course was sitting in my section. I walked by him and he uttered â€Å"Gosh, you know what would make me happy, if he these seat were a bit bigger†. I gave a sympathetic glance and agreed with him. What did he want me to do about it, get out my Handy Man kit and make the chairs bigger? My first year of a flight attending was like an actor’s school. I had to keep a face of constant uplifting emotions. I am a confrontational person and in that year learned to grin and bear it. I wasn’t very good at first. For example, I was picking up trash on a New York flight and turned to the lady and said â€Å"Trash†, she gasped and said â€Å"Fuck you†. Plane Nuts :: essays research papers Plane Nuts The date was May 26, 2005, and was a day that my life would change forever. I walked out of the flight attendant group interview session (a â€Å"cattle call†if you will) with a good feeling. Now, I played the waiting game, will I or won’t I receive a letter in the mail inviting me to training. What seemed like an eternity, in actuality was a week, I received the letter. I ran upstairs to my apartment, and on the way up noticed it was a very thin envelope. I opened the letter with a bit of hesitation and read the first line. â€Å"Congratulations Daniel Shultz, you have been accepted into training class 9-01 starting June 13th, 2001†I was ecstatic and already packing. Training was in Indianapolis, the core of boredom as I came to find out later. Training was six weeks long and brutal. My airline, American TransAir has the second toughest training in the industry. On graduation day, I was happy to finally go home for a few days before moving to San Francisco, my new base. August proved to be a tough month. My first flight was a 16 hour day. The flight was San Francisco-Honolulu-Maui-San Francisco. Of course, this makes sense, sending a first time flight attendant on a 15 hour work day. Needless to say, I learned very quickly from the experienced crew. The people were very demanding, â€Å"Bring me a pillow, bring me playing cards†After that day, I was like, â€Å"Bring me a gun.†My first angry customer came on in Maui. He was an obese man of about 50 years old and had horrendous sunburn. He had given the flight attendant in the front grief already about the plane being late. He, of course was sitting in my section. I walked by him and he uttered â€Å"Gosh, you know what would make me happy, if he these seat were a bit bigger†. I gave a sympathetic glance and agreed with him. What did he want me to do about it, get out my Handy Man kit and make the chairs bigger? My first year of a flight attending was like an actor’s school. I had to keep a face of constant uplifting emotions. I am a confrontational person and in that year learned to grin and bear it. I wasn’t very good at first. For example, I was picking up trash on a New York flight and turned to the lady and said â€Å"Trash†, she gasped and said â€Å"Fuck you†.
Friday, October 11, 2019
African American Contributions to American History Essay
In today’s society there are many people living in poverty. All across America there are different projects and reservations where the less fortunate reside. Statistics show that mostly minorities live in these different locations. Native Americans and African Americans are two of the more popular races living in these places. The group suffering the most in these situations is the youth. Although both Native American and African American children living on a reservation or in the projects experience a terrible community, have little to no faith, and a broken family structure, African American youth living in the projects have it worse than Native American children living on a reservation. First, one of the most common living situations for less fortunate African Americans is in the projects. A project is a public living environment that is government owned. Although these buildings are government owned they are far from nice looking. Most of the buildings have no windows, are run down, dirty, and old. The government’s main goal is to maintain affordable housing not to make them the best looking homes in town. The projects aren’t a good environment for a child to be raised. Throughout these neighborhoods different gangs can be found. These gangs are built to defend the different areas in the projects. The gangs bring major violence to the area and are one of the main causes of death. At a young age children join these gangs and are raised to be violent. Many of them decorate the buildings they are living in with graffiti expressing their gang colors, symbols, or motto. In contrast, while Native American youth also live in poor housing, the environment is safer than the projects. A reservation is an area set aside for a specific type of land use or activity, or for use by a particular group of people, mostly Native Americans. Similar to the projects, houses on a reservation are old, beat down, and dirty. The houses on a reservation are government owned as well. Although these two locations are very similar they also differ. The reservation is a safer place then the projects. On the reservation there is a couple cases of mild violence but they aren’t as severe as the violence in the projects. Therefore, the reservations environment is a better environment than the projects. Secondly, many of the young people have no faith growing up in the projects. A lot of them believe their only way out of the projects is to become a basketball or football player or to become a top selling rap artist. At as young as sixteen years of age most African American males end up in jail, deceased, or selling drugs. A lot of them are also lead to believe that if they don’t do what every other man on the streets is doing, then they won’t make it anywhere in life. On the reservation the kids believe their only way out is to become NBA players or â€Å"powwowers†. Powwower’s are traditional Native American cheerleaders or dancers. Much like the African Americans growing up in the projects, the life expectancy rate for those living on a reservation is in the mid forties. Considering that both of these locations are in the United States mid forties is very young of age. Many of these people don’t live very long because they don’t have enough money to take care of themselves as well as their families. They also aren’t able to live a healthy lifestyle which shortens their days. Death is common in the two locations which leaves these two young groups wondering what’s beyond the age forty. Lastly, family structure is very important in a household. In the projects many of the homes lack a very strong family structure. Children growing up in the projects nine times out of ten don’t have both parents in the home. Most of them are drug dealers, alcoholics, prostitutes, or doing any and everything to try and provide for the child. Although these parents are trying to provide for their children a lot of the time they are also on welfare. Moreover, these children’s parents aren’t ever around, they sometimes go days without having anything to eat. Many of the young men follow after the footsteps of their father, older brother, or uncles which is why this cycle has continued for so long. Native Americans typically stick together as a unit. According to Sherman Alexie, an award winning author who grew up on a reservation, â€Å"Native American children are taught to be suspicious of Caucasian people. †Native Americans teach this to their children because there are many people in America that are against minorities and believe that just because they are the majority they’re better. A lot of the parents on a reservation go from job to job not being able to keep one job for a long period of time. Many of these parents are also alcoholics. On the other hand, some of these families on these reservations are very family oriented unlike the African American families in the projects. These Native American families have up to seventeen family members living in one house. They keep their families very close and are very supportive of one another rather then being against each other like African Americans. The parents watch over their children to make sure they don’t go down the wrong path in life. Although these families are experiencing hard times they cheer each other up and manage to smile every once in a while. Therefore, the Native Americans family structure is stronger then African Americans. In conclusion, Native American youth living on a reservation have it better then African American youth living in the projects. Both of these minorities are going through some hardships. From alcoholic parents to not having anything to eat they both are suffering as young children. Native American families provide a safer living environment, work harder, and look after one another, where as African Americans are against one another, on the streets all day, and are strongly associated with violence. As the years go on these families are hoping that the government will separate people in the projects and those living on reservations and provide them both with a better living situation. If these environments are separated the United States will be one step closer to eliminating violence in America.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Beatles & Rolling Stones
The Sixties had been defined by the events of the decade namely the Space Program, the war in Vietnam, the movement against it and the youth counterculture behind the movement also collectively categorized under sex, drugs and rock & roll. Of all the musical bands that emerged during the sixties, the Beatles was the most dominant. They became the precursors of the British invasion of America.Quickly following on their heels was the Rolling Stones. David Leaf, in his book about the Beach Boys, remarked that the decade called The Sixties actually started only in 1964 when the Beatles arrived in America.It ended, however, in 1969 during the Rolling Stones free concert in Altamont, California when an African-American man was killed by a member of Hell’s Angels as Mick Jagger sang â€Å"Under my Thumb†(cited in Curtis, 111-112). American music still held sway over popular music even in Britain. Most bands were playing cover music or renditions of existing American songs. Th e Beatles were no different. However, what set them apart was that they were also writing their own songs. This was highly unusual at that time.In the United States, this was not an entirely new thing as Bob Dylan had already begun to introduce the power of the lyrics, but it was the Beatles that made rock and roll accessible to the masses and made it popular yet still retain its sense of anti-establishment that appealed to the youth. Their music exuded a sense of fun. Their instinct in releasing the catchy song I Want to Hold Your Hand as their debut record to the American market proved to be correct. The Americans were still reeling from the depression wrought by the assassination of the President John F.Kennedy and the song brought back the smiles. Their song’s melody had a way of attaching itself to your psyche. While you may forget what the rest of the lyrics are, the chorus simply stays. They used this same formula with their follow up single She Loves You and one can s imply not sing yeah, yeah, yeah in their head. This effect came to be known as â€Å"Beatlemania. †Their film A Hard Day’s Night is now often referred to as the very first music video. The mania is evident from the statistics. In February 1964, â€Å"I Want To Hold Your Hand†became the first Beatles record to top the U.S. singles charts. In the same month, the group's appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show on CBS attracted the largest ever television audience of more than 73 million or 60 per cent of all U. S. viewers. By the end of March, they held the top five positions in the singles charts (and also had six of the top ten singles in Canada). Their first coast-to-coast U. S. tour, in August and September, saw them â€Å"perform before more people than any other artists in the history of American pop music–including Elvis Presley†(Rayl and Gunther 3).The Wall Street Journal estimated that by the end of the year Americans would spend more than $50 million on sales of Beatle-related merchandise (McCabe and Schonfeld 66) (cited in Inglis, 93). The John Lennon-Paul McCartney collaboration proved to be unbeatable. One made up for what the other lacked. Their producer, George Martin, likewise had a hand in the reinvention of the pop rock sound with creative approaches to recording. They were among the first to incorporate various sounds such as‘Classical' musicians onto ‘pop' records, (in one case, a whole orchestra), and incorporated studio accidents such as feedback, twisted tapes, and random lyrics into their songs to create a new kind of music which put a premium on creativity†¦The Beatles set a standard of excellence in the writing and recording of British popular music which legions of pop idols have been striving to emulate ever since. They made pop music artistically respectable (Karwowski, 281). The Rolling Stones broke into the music scene with the help of Beatlemania and their first manager, Andrew Loog Oldham.Their music influence was primarily the blues especially that of Muddy Waters whom they honored with their choice of band name but Oldham saw them instead as the antithesis to the Beatles. They were going to sell music and sex. Oldham saw that that a need for an alternative sound was forthcoming and he needed to position his band just right. Still maintaining that they were a blues outfit, Mick Jagger was said to have made a remark in 1962, â€Å"I hope they don't think we're a rock and roll outfit†(Curtis, 209).Today, they have emerged as the world’s greatest rock and roll band. Ironically, the Rolling Stones first hit recording was a composition by Lennon and McCartney, I Wanna be Your Man which was released as a single on November 1, 1963 while it was made a part of an album by the Beatles which was released on November 23, 1963. Regardless, the style was markedly different. The Beatles played what the British called Beat Music, and the Rolling Stones were blues-based. As the Beatles were spreading Beatlemania in America, the Rolling Stones were going to number one in England.It was not long, however, that at the suggestion of Oldham, the Rolling Stones were writing their own songs and were able to establish their credentials with ‘Satisfaction' and ‘Jumping Jack Flash'. As the Beatles evolved to become studio recording artists, the Rolling Stones were live acts performing in marathon tours singing their own songs as well as covers of other people’s songs. According to Curtis, â€Å"‘Satisfaction’ is the first anthem of the sixties. This song defined the mid-sixties just as ‘Blowin' in the Wind’ defined the early sixties, and ‘Light My Fire’ defined the late sixties†(212).The Rolling Stones music added with Mick’s onstage performance which exuded overt sexuality, Keith’s rock solid guitar riff and Brian who could play any instrument given to him, they were a challenge to the establishment. It was their offstage behavior that sealed their reputation and appeal to the more radical proponents of the youth counterculture though they reject responsibility. As it was, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards had the ignominious record of being the first rock stars to be arrested on drug charges (Curtis 208-209).Dave Aguilar of the Watchband had a better explanation of the appeal of the rock bands especially over the women, â€Å"I'm convinced that just before practice sessions, 60s rock bands secreted pheromones detectable from outer space by the underage female species of Homo Erectus†(cited in Kauppila, 2005). By 1967, the war in Vietnam was intensifying and the hippie population was increasing. They were beads and flowers, smoked marijuana and â€Å"dropped acid. †The counterculture was clamoring for hard rock. In response, psychedelic music was produced.This was music that one cannot sing along or dance to. â€Å"It was loud and electronically distrotted, and often laced with mystic messages†(McWilliams & Miller, 70-71). Both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones profited from the popularity of this new sound. The Rolling Stones went head on with the Beatles with the release of ‘Their Satanic Majesties Request’ which was a pun on the British passport which contained the phrase Her Britannic Majesty Requests. It was a concept album that was an obvious response to the Beatles Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club concept album. While the Beatles album was immensely successful, the Rolling Stones’ Majesties was a watershed in their career. The album was criticized for lacking â€Å"the irony and the gutsy, hard-driving rock that the Stones do well†while the Beatles was praised in using â€Å"ambience noise to create the fiction of a performance setting. The contrast between their styles was evident as well, â€Å"As opposed to the Beatles' cheerfulness in a music hall, the S tones offer decadence in a cabaret†(Curtis, 214-215).The music of the Beatles had transcended boundaries between classes and age groups more because of the beat and without regard to the veiled and dual messages contained in the lyrics, while the music of the Rolling Stones were more associated to the cultural subversion of the youth of the Sixties. Their style was more confrontational and more sensory-related and was thus used as a barrier against the rules of the adults. A criticism against them was that they represented the darker side of the age of love and freedom. Simon Frith pointed out that rock would eventually lead to violence because†¦rock can't just be consumed, but must be responded to like any other form of art-its tensions and contradictions engaged and reinterpreted into the listeners' experience. Such engagement is intellectual and moral, the results are enriching and can be disturbing†¦ The rock audience is not seen as a passive mass, consuming rec ords like cornflakes but as an active community making music into a symbol of solidarity and an inspiration for action (Whiteley, 87). With songs entitled ‘Jumpin' Jack Flash’, ‘Brown Sugar,’ ‘Midnight Rambler’ and ‘Sympathy for the Devi’, Frith was definitely referring to music of the Rolling Stones.Mick countered with a comment of his own. I don't understand the connection between music and violence. I just know that I get very aroused by music, but that it doesn't arouse me violently. I never went to a rock ‘n' roll show and wanted to smash windows or beat anybody up afterwards. I feel more sexual than actually physically violent (cited in Whiteley, 88). The incident at the Altamont concert in 1969 was unfortunate. While the violence was clearly motivated by deep-seated bigotry, it was attributed to rock music due to association by context.
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