Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Culture in Japan Essays
Culture in Japan Essays Culture in Japan Paper Culture in Japan Paper Japan geographically is small in area which contained an approximate 125 million people. The country has a literacy rate of almost 100% with 95% of the population studied high school education. The country is under the rule of a constitutional monarch with parliamentarian democracy as form of government. It is the Prime Minister who stands as the Chief Government Officer. The dominant and exclusive religion in Japan is Shinto, which is similar to Buddhism-the basis and roots of their tradition worldwide, though not really official. Buddhism develops culture of art and temples, which had a substantial role in civic life and meditative religious facet. The ideas of hierarchy, loyalty, and the emperor as the son of heaven came from Confucianism of China. Giving order and sanction to the system of government implied in Shinto came from Daoism. Christianity brought a combination of Western ideas, particularly those involving social impartiality and transformation. Figure 1 Religion in Japan Source: www. cyborlink. com/besite/japan. htm Japanese are introvert people, who are not mostly open to strangers. Loyalty to the group and relationship is significant for successes when carrying out business inside this country. In analysis using the Hofstede’s Model of cultural dimensions, it was observed that this Asian country is high in power distance, low in individualism, high in uncertainty avoidance, high in masculinity and high in long term orientation. Figure 2 Hofstede’s Cross Cultural Analysis of Japan Source: www. geert-hofstede. com/hofstede_japan. shtml Legend: PDI= Power Distance Index IDV= Individualism MAS= Masculinity UAI= Uncertainty Avoidance Index LTO= Long-Term Orientation Though of equal footing when it comes to legal rights, still women are not treated fairly against men in the workplace, which means there is still implicit prejudice going on. Mostly, assignments for women belong to the lower grade tasks. Marriage and giving birth are primary reasons for women to leave their jobs. The manner of dressing is dictated by the status or position. Men always wear dark suits with slip-on type of shoes, especially when having business dealings for ease and comfort. Women on the other hand, should be dressed in conservative manner, with minimal accessories and low-heeled shoes to prevent being taller than men. Japanese men find it unpleasant for women to be in pants during business transactions. The Japanese hate pointing, blowing nose in public places and facial expressions that will give double meaning. Entertainment, particularly drinking is a significant part of both social and business life of the Japanese, which is usually held in â€Å"hostess bars†. Seldom do Japanese invite someone in their homes and when they do; it could be considered an honor for the guest. When entering a traditional Japanese restaurant, it is their custom to remove their shoes. Matters pertaining to business are usually talked about during dinner, in which food is ordered and paid by the host. Giving tip is uncommon for the Japanese, because said cost is already part of the invoice. Usually the host also explains the different variety of menu on offer. Slurping noodles during mealtime is appreciable to show enjoyment for the food. When not in use, chopsticks should be placed on the holder provided on the table; do not point them to anyone nor leave them sticking into the rice, because it is improper to do so. It is impolite not leave some food on the plate at the end of the meal to demonstrate an adequacy. The Japanese are also affectionate in giving gifts, equally for business and personal purposes. Gifts need not be extravagant, but should always be in good taste. Alcohol, particularly good single malt whisky, is always an appreciated present. It is vital not to use white paper to wrap the gift, because said color means death for the Japanese. There must be word of warning before a gift is given. Using both hands is essential in giving and accepting any gift. The Japanese take satisfaction in gift wrapping, therefore caution must be observed when opening the present, which is usually done at the end of the appointment. Shun from giving gifts in numbers of four (4) or nine (9), because these are ill-fated for them. Keep away also from presenting sharp objects as gifts to any Japanese because it suggests ones wish to conclude a relationship. Meishi or business card, just like a gift must be formally given and received with both hands, placed carefully on top of the table in which the Japanese language is presented side up. The exchange of meishi must be completed to formally open the business discussion. The same level of respect must be given to the card and the man. Writing or leaving the card behind means lack of reverence. Presentment of the card must be done after the bow. When greeted with a customary bow, it must be returned together with a business card, if any. The lowness of the bow measures the level of relationship of the two (2) persons communicating. Eyes must be kept low and palms must be placed next to thighs when bowing. The Japanese never say and accepts â€Å"no†for an answer. Knowing this fact is necessary in the negotiating with them.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Getting Beyond the Basics of the Spanish Future Tense
Getting Beyond the Basics of the Spanish Future Tense If you think that the future tense in Spanish is used to talk about events that will happen in the future, youre only partly right. For the Spanish future tense also has two other uses, one of which corresponds to an English usage and one that does not. And if you think that the only way of talking about the future in Spanish is to use the future tense, youd be mistaken. Spanish Future Tense as Emphatic Command If you grew up not liking vegetables, you may remember having a stern parent saying something like You will eat the carrots with a strong emphasis on the will. In such a sentence, the English future tense is being used not merely to say what will happen, but also to insist that it does. The same can be done in Spanish. Depending on the context and intonation, a sentence such as Comers las zanahorias can be either a prediction or a strong command.  ¡Te dormirs a las 10! (You will go to sleep at 10!) ¡Saldrn si causan problems! (You will leave if you cause problems!) ¡Esturiars toda la noche! (You will study all night!) Unlike with English, this type of reference to the future can be made in Spanish only with the simple future tense. Spanish does not use the progressive tenses (such as estars estudiendo for you will be studying) for this purpose. Spanish Future Tense for Indicating Probability More common is to use the future verb forms as a way of expressing something that is probable or supposed. There is no real verb-only equivalent in English; usually we would express such a thought by using probably, likely, I suppose or some similar word or phrase. In question form, the future tense can indicate uncertainty rather than probability. Here are examples of such usages of the Spanish future tense with possible translations: Pablo no est aquà . Estar en casa. (Paul isnt here. Hes probably at home.) ¿Quà © hora es? Ser la una. (What time is it? I suppose its 1 oclock.)Han trabajado mucho. Estarn cansados. (Theyve worked hard. They must be tired.)Estoy confudida.  ¿Me amar? (Im confused. I wonder if he loves me.) Keep in mind that the understanding of such sentences, and therefore the translation, will often depend on the context. For example, estar en casa could mean both he/she will be at home or he/she probably is at home, depending on what else is said in the conversation. And of course, the same is true when translating to Spanish. In the third example above, deben estar cansados would not be a correct translation, because they must expresses probability rather than obligation. Ways of Talking About the Future in Spanish There are at least three ways of expressing the future in Spanish without using the future tense. Periphrastic Future The most common way is to use a form of the verb ir (to go), followed by a and an infinitive. Voy a salir. (I am going to leave.)Van a comprar un coche. (They are going to buy a car. ) ¿Vas a estudiar? (Are you going to study?) This use of ir a is so common that it is popularly thought of as the future tense in some areas and mostly replaces the standard future in everyday speech. This way of discussing the future is known as the periphrastic future tense. Using the Indicative Present for Future Actions In some cases, as in English, it is possible to use the present tense to tell of future events. Sale el tren a las ocho. (The train leaves at 8.)La fiesta de pelà culas comienza esta noche. (The film festival begins tonight.)Llega Paulina a las siete de la tarde. (Paulina arrives at 7 p.m. tonight.) This type of present-as-future is most common for scheduled events occurring in the near future. Using the Subjunctive Present for Future Actions Finally, Spanish sometimes uses the present subjunctive where we would use the future indicative in English. Dudo que ella vaya, (I doubt she will go.)Espero que haga buen tiempo, (I hope the weather will be good.)Lo siento que salgas, (I am sorry you will leave.) Often when discussing a future event, the subjunctive doesnt express something that definitely will happen, but rather events that might or wont happen. In other cases, the subjunctive will be used in a sentence that focuses on the reaction to a future event, as in the third example above. Key Takeaways The future tense in both Spanish and English can be used for emphatic commands.In Spanish but not English, the future tense is sometimes used to indicate that a verbs action is likely or that the speaker is supposing that it will happen.In both languages, the present indicative tense can be used to say something will happen in the near future.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Strategic Management in a Global Environment Assignment - 5
Strategic Management in a Global Environment - Assignment Example The paper tells that good governance means that all the authority and power is used in the most convenient way to uplift the performance of the institution without necessarily exploiting all the stakeholders and available resources. The secret of success lies in the power of the management team to utilize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to place the institution in a better functioning state. Good governance provides clear direction for the business institution. Transparency, fairness, accountability, planning, monitoring, and vigilance are the main building blocks of good governance. There is increased investment, boosted investor confidence, as well as interest. There is fairness in handling all stakeholders especially when there is good governance in a company. Good governance also strengthens the competiveness of the company besides making it cruise through the constant economic crises. Another benefit is scrapping off corruption and fund embezzlement, good g overnance has better strategies for conducting quality assurance programmes and giving comprehensive feedback for improvement in areas of weakness. The other side is bad governance; this is the true opposite of good governance. There lacks fairness, equity, responsiveness, transparency, effectiveness, and efficiency, in bad governance. In most case, bad governance precedes the downfall of a company. This means that the company is unable to survive the harsh and overwhelming market competition. Furthermore, many funds are misappropriated through lack of monitoring and evaluation. Bad governance is almost synonymous with poor planning and inadequate preparedness.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Neoclassical and Impressionism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Neoclassical and Impressionism - Essay Example The essay "Neoclassical and Impressionism" analyzes neoclassical artworks and artists of impressionism. Artists of this period defied some earlier artistic guidelines that entailed adhering to basic aspects meant to classify these images, but they kept the essence of being realistic in all their works. Consequently, this artistic period influenced diverse aspects besides innovations that marked its period and esteemed to date. Neoclassicism marked the onset of 19Th period movement that entailed strict adherence to austere linear design in expressing one’s ideas via artwork. Presently, numerous studies associate this period with architectural models, which by then involved, realistic drawing coupled with varied predetermined painting techniques. Therefore, the artists had to both apply and adhere to certain outlined rules, which was contrary to the impressionism period. This is because the latter besides realistic painting, it required artists’ varied and imaginative ski lls to convey the required message. Neoclassical epoch up to date marks the most remarkable phase in the European history. This is because of its various dynamic events, which characterized the period ranging from political to the empowerment of people’s economy in diverse ways. For illustration, military and political unrest that characterized the era aggravated by influential states while in pursuit of annexing lesser regions to strength their economies. Hence, this yielded to heightened rate of colonization that influenced other states. like Portugal to develop interest in Africa and US. This is because colonies besides acting as a sign of political power; they were principal source of industrial materials that boosted the states’ economic stability. Besides, economic stability in this era augmented due to the people’s literacy rise and marketing innovations as trade competition heightened among the party states. Studies associate this period with
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Closed-book vs closed-notes quiz Essay Example for Free
Closed-book vs closed-notes quiz Essay 1. This is a closed-book, closed-notes quiz. No reference material (including assignments and labs) will be permitted for use during the quiz session. 2. The quiz contains the following types of questions: * Short essay type 3. Place your answers in the space immediately following each question. Quiz Questions 1. What does MAO define? Defines how long a business can be without system or applications before having adverse effects on the mission of the business. 2. Define CSFs for a BIA. The success of recovering critical systems or application necessary in an event that interrupts the services of the business. 3. List four of the seven steps for a contingency plan based on the NIST 800-34 standard. Develop a BIA, develop a recovery strategy, preventive controls identified, test the plan and train individuals. 4. What is the objective of a BIA? To identify the critical and non-critical resources of a business. 5. In the seven domains of an IT infrastructure, list three things that should be included as CBFs. The System/Application Domain, The LAN Domain, and the WAN domain. 6. List at least two differences between BCP and a DRP plan. A BCP covers all units of the business while the DRP covers functions of the IT department only. A BCP contains strategy and incidents to be included and the DRP contains recovery steps and procedures. 7. Describe and list four elements of a BCP. Identify critical equipment necessary for the business mission. Identifying critical personnel necessary for the business to return to normal operations of the business. Conduct a BIA, determine the impact on the business if systems were unavailable. Maintenance and updating of the BCP as changes are made to the network. 8. What does a BCP program manager do? What are his or her duties? Take the leadership role as they are responsible for writing the BCP and conducting the BIA. 9. Describe and list two of the commonly used teams for a BCP. BIA- which is the business impact analysis- The impact a disruption of service would have on a business. DRP- Disaster recovery plan- plans to recover from a disaster resulting in a loss of business systems necessary for the business to operate normally. 10. Describe at least one element that would be in a recovery phase of a BCP plan. An Alternative site to set up business operations in the event of a lost site due to a disaster.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Throat cancer :: essays research papers fc
Do you know anyone with cancer more specifically throat cancer? I do and so I wanted to learn more about it. Throat cancer also known as cancer of the pharynx can be included in the group of head and neck cancers. 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with cancer from this group annually. There are more than 500,000 survivors living in the United States today. The tumors are often found on the tonsils and at the base of the tongue. Throat cancer; though, can also be found in three regions of the pharynx.      The three regions include the nasopharynx, which is the area behind the back of the throat and nose, the oropharynx, which is the base of the tongue and the tonsil region, and the hyopharynx, which is the bottom part of the throat. Alcohol use, smoking (tobacco or marijuana), and chewing tobacco can cause throat cancer. Leukoplakia, which is white spots or patches in the mouth, can be considered a risk factor. There are symptoms to throat cancer like any other disease.      A persistent feeling of something in the pharynx is a symptom of throat cancer. If you are having pains or having difficulty swallowing, a change of voice, or hoarseness then there is a possibility you could have throat cancer. Also throat cancer may cause an earache or it might feel like sometimes there is obstruction in your airway passage. There are many ways to treat cancer if it is needed.      â€Å"Several tests may be performed to diagnose the presence of cancer. An endoscopy uses a thin-lighted flexible instrument to evaluate the extent of the tumor. A suspected throat cancer must be confirmed by removing a small piece of tissue (biopsy). This tissue is sent to the laboratory for evaluation and diagnosis†(www.uihealthcare.com). Treatments for cancer include surgery, radiation therapy (intensity modulated radiation therapy or high dose radiation brachytherapy), and chemotherapy. There are alternate therapies such as naturopathic medicine, nutritional therapy, mind-body medicine, image enhancement, and spiritual support.      The best way to see if you have cancer is to consult a doctor.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Sacrificial Action
In Bhagavad Gita 4. 31, Krishna said to Arjuna, â€Å"Those who eat the nectar of immortality left over from a sacrificial action, they go to the eternal Brahman†(Phillips 80). This passage is taken from the Bhagavad Gita where Krishna, a divine being, and Arjuna, the third of the five brothers fighting for their land. With Arjuna having a dilemma of fighting his own kinsmen, Krishna explained to him why the right thing to do is to fight (Phillips 80). In chapter three of the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna explained to Arjuna the meaning of the sacrificial action. It is said to be voluntary doing something or ‘sacrificing’ without thinking of the benefits you will earn after the work, will lead to the supreme good. This is called the yoga of action. Attaining this supreme good exempts you from the law of karma (action and reaction) and thus leads to nirvana (Phillips 81). In chapter four, Krishna pointed out how and why he took the form of a mortal being. According to him, he assumed a mortal personification in order to become a model for those people who would want to attain the supreme good. He also states that he had already turned to a mortal being to be able to tell other people the things the he is now sharing with Arjuna (Phillips 81). The Bhagavad Gita 4. 31 passage is the fourth chapter’s main point. In this passage, Krishna told Arjuna how to be like him or to go to eternal Brahman. The ‘nectar’ he mentioned pertains to the example that he or a doer of sacrificial action makes. And the meaning of ‘eating the nectar’ entails following the examples of doing a sacrificial action, in order to attain supreme good or to be like Krishna (Phillips 82).
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Should College Education be free in America
All three of the research topics that I chose are very important to me. However the one topic that really stands out in my mind is, â€Å"should college education be free in the United States? †One reason this topic stands out to me, I believe America spends too much money importing goods. Especially goods that require some form of technology such as cell phones and gaming systems. The list goes on. I feel that if we train Americans to build these technologies, it will create more jobs, henceforth, reducing unemployment.This brings me to the second most important reason why I feel that college education should be free in the United States. Educated people build a strong economy. Our great nation will benefit by making college education free in the U. S. , to citizens and anyone who’s rightfully living in our country. Not all who graduate from high school are gifted enough to receive a scholarship to attend college, or are fortunate to have parents afford to pay for the ir college education. This can be discouraging for young men or women who want to be successful, however don’t have the means.What about the working adult that wants to complete their degree so that they can be a role model to their children? Unfortunately, they don’t have the finances to go back school. It becomes a double jeopardy life sentence for that high school graduate with no means of furthering their education or that parent that wants to go back to school. Not able to pursue a college degree and most likely earning less money than a college graduate. Consequently, men and women with none too little college education tend to earn less money throughout their lifetime than men or women who have a degree.According to howtoedu. org, (first line of second paragraph) â€Å"over the course or working 40 years, someone with a high school diploma will make $1,116,600 while someone with a bachelor’s degree will make $2,048,204†. According to an article wri tten by the American Public Media titled â€Å"The Value of a College Degree†(second paragraph), â€Å"People who don't get some kind of post-secondary education are quickly falling out of the American middle class†. I feel that our government spends more money in other areas that are unnecessary such as war. The money that the U. S. government spends on war should be allocated to more important areas such as education.There are different deterring factors that prevent people from pursuing a higher education or completing their degree. The most important is the cost. According to the consumer financial protection bureau, the standard repayment schedule for a college education is 120 months (10 years). By making college education free, the American people will be more qualified for good paying jobs. This will also help in creating new jobs. The money that would be spent on paying back school loans, could be used to purchase homes.This is a perfect example for buildi ng a stronger economy. The method of research that I plan to use to support my thesis are, online articles via credible websites. These resources will reveal the relevance of making college education free in America. My resources will declare that free education will help create more jobs, therefore reducing unemployment; and it will benefit in giving qualified people work with higher compensation. Finally, these resources will bring to light, that more jobs with higher paying compensation builds a stronger economy. All do to making college education free in America.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Operation Gomorrah Essay Essays
Operation Gomorrah Essay Essays Operation Gomorrah Essay Paper Operation Gomorrah Essay Paper â€Å"Operation Gomorrah†Ingram recalls her childhood experiences of war within her place metropolis of Hamburg. Germany. The composing techniques and elaborate descriptions within the autobiographical narrative reflect Ingram’s sensitive nature and the emotional nexus she has to her childhood because of this traumatic event. â€Å"I was eight old ages old and a respectful. obedient kid. But one twenty-four hours in late July my female parent asked me to make something and I disobeyed her. and I shall be everlastingly glad that I did. †( Marione Ingram 123 ) Normally a male child who is merely 8 old ages old should be blue and arch. However. at the beginning of the narrative. the writer tells us that he was thought to be a respectful. obedient kid by others. The secret plan that Ingram does non desire to direct his babe sister Renate to his cousin’s flat ( 123 ) indicate that Ingram has his ain ideas. has his likes and disfavors. But he is so sensitive that he cares excessively much about what others think. He loves his female parent. he does non willing to allow her down. So. although he does non desire to travel outside from within. he tried ( 123 ) . We can conceive of that how much joy and pleasance of childhood he has lost to coerce himself to populate up to this repute to be respectfu l and obedient. This is excessively barbarous to this small male child. But he was thrilled to be out-of-doorss ( 123 ) . At that minute. there must hold been an intense internal struggle in his bosom. On the one manus. he does non willing to destruct his repute to be obedient every bit good as allow his female parent down. but on the other manus. he can non pull off to get the better of his internal frights. After a battle. he turned back and so began to travel rapidly to place ( 123 ) . When he thought back to the whole narrative. he found that if he had followed his mother’s way to transport his babe sister to his cousin’s flat and he himself stayed at that place. he would non hold experienced the great catastrophe: the Operation Gomorrah. For the obedient kid. he regrets for his whole life for that lone one resist. His sensitive makes him a individual who ever thinks excessively much. That he ever considers the feelings of others. repent the yesteryear and be worried about the here after makes him a shilly-shally and inner-turmoiled individual. Ingram provinces â€Å"I pulled mother off from the range. tugging first one hitch arm and so the other. I managed to acquire her caput and a shoulder into the dining room†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 124 ) â€Å"I was sitting on the floor with her caput in my lap. seeking to believe what to make. when coming from the underside of the stairwell where I’d left the baby buggy I could hear the swoon sounds of my babe sister’s whimpering†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 124 ) â€Å"There were no air raids to upset us. though I woke up frequently to see if she was still unconscious†¦ †( 125 ) . When his female parent was ill. the 8-year-old lithe male child took the duty of taking attention of his female parent and his babe sister. His behaviour described in this portion gave me the feeling of unreal. He took attention of his female parent and babe sister so carefully that he can even hear the swoon sounds of his babe sister’s wailing from the underside of the stairwell. He was worr ied about his female parent and babe sister and tomorrow’s life. so he woke up frequently during that dark. It is wholly non like a small boy’s behaviour. All of these secret plans indicate that Ingram has elusive nervousnesss. He is sensitive to environment. â€Å"I looked at female parent and I understood†( Marione Ingram 125 ) . What did this small boy understand from two adults’ conversation? At first reading I do non understand what he got. But so I understood that Inge was loath to assist them during that despairing state of affairs. From Inge’s talk. emotion and action. he and his female parent understood the cardinal point. He is so smart and sensitive to things. His sensitiveness inspires his thought. He is good at observation and analysis. I have to look up to the small boy’s apprehension. But the small male child did non demo any unhappiness or lose his pique about his cousin’s attitude. He was so quiet merely maintain his idea in his head. As for the catastrophe. Marion Ingram used abundant item description to demo the pandemonium scene. He describes his former playfellow like this â€Å"She was keeping her favourite doll. keeping it tight and turning somewhat off as if she feared I might seek to snap it from her†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 127 ) . The description showed a girl’s behaviour in despairing state of affairs vividly. There are besides many environmental descriptions during the bombardment. â€Å"A false morning lit the southeasterly sky. rouging mother’s cheeks and painting the walls of edifices on our side of the street a lurid red†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 128 ) . At one point between life and decease. Ingram still have one portion of his bosom refering his mothers’ emotion and retrieve everlastingly. When he was in his mother’s arm. he was detecting how other people seeking to last. â€Å"Then a adult female transporting an baby came running down the street along the same path we had taken. She was followed by a immature adult male dressed in the khaki trunkss and shirt of a Hitler Youth. I thought they must be fliting from a bomb shelter that had been damaged. perchance the 1 female parent had been heading for when we foremost left our flat building†¦ †( 131 ) . There are abundant psychological and action descriptions. â€Å"I thought they must be fliting from a bomb shelter that had been damaged†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131 ) . â€Å"I thought his trouble might be the hot air current howling down the avenue in forepart of us and about expected to see him lifted up as he ran†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131 ) . â€Å"I idea I could hear their shrieks and ducked down into the crater with my eyes closed and my custodies oter my ears. †( 131 ) . â€Å"When it seemed that I was approximately to smother. I pulled the cover off and stuck up my head†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 131-132 ) . â€Å"When I closed my eyes it felt as if we were lying between railway paths while an eternal tra in rumbled over us so swiftly†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ( 132 ) . All these descriptions are so all right. specific and smooth that about give us a film image. Sensitive and delicate as he is. he is able to retrieve every individual item. every alteration in emotion. every piece of his idea. In decision. Marione Ingram concludes abundant item descriptions in this essay that even gave readers the feeling that this narrative is non his ain narrative. In this manner. the writer shaped a sensitive character from different point of position. And because of his sensitive nature. he is besides a shilly-shally individual who ever suffers intense interior battle. he is a good mind and perceiver which made him a good author. he is a really sort individual who would see for others at every proceedingss.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What is the Job Market for Web Developers
What is the Job Market for Web Developers in the last few years, there has been an explosion of companies offering to train people in web development through bootcamps, online instruction, classes, and nearly anything else to get people coding. the target audience for most of these are people who did not study coding in the past but now want to change career paths. with so much excitement around start-ups and technology, coding know-how is becoming more and more an incredibly valued skill. but what can new web developers expect as they enter the development career marketplace?when it comes to salary, there is some disagreement depending on what source you prefer. the united states department of labor suggests a range from as low as $33k to $105k. this is obviously quite a range and surely covers a wide spectrum of employment situations. other sources put the range from around $75k to $120k for web development positions.in terms of job availability, the timing really could not be better for web developers. there are a plethor a of jobs and not enough people with the right skills for hire. 61% of executives say they face recruitment challenges when it comes to highly skilled and technical positions. as the gap between qualified workers and unfilled jobs continues to grow, it is expected that the gap will grow even greater for those looking for web developers. as any business 101 class will teach you, high demand and low supply can certainly lead to price increases. in this case, price equals web developers’ salaries!so strike while the iron is hot! i have a feeling in 400 years, they will look back at this time period and see anyone who cannot code as practically illiterate. while that might sound crazy, it is basically how we look at the past with regard to reading. perhaps the best part of it all, once you have those skills, you never what brilliant idea might strike you and inspire you to create your own start-up and become your own boss!
Saturday, November 2, 2019
International Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
International Human Rights - Essay Example Responsible social behavior could have minimized the scale of the recession; businesses have to learn that maybe, the only thing that is important is the bottom line, that there is an interconnectivity with other factors within and beyond the business environments (Amnesty International, 2008). International co-operations have been accused of gross human rights abuse when they are established abroad more so in third world countries where poverty levels are high. This is because poverty drives workers in these countries to work extremely long hours for minimal wages under deplorable working conditions. This is exploitation at its worst and the governments tend to turn a blind eye because they benefit from the presence of such companies (Amnesty International, 2008). A group that has fallen prey often times to exploitation by corporations are illegal migrants and refugees. Rooted from their own homes in foreign lands where they cannot rely on the government for assistance, these are a vulnerable group. Their only target is survival and since most live in abject poverty, they are willing to work for extremely low wages just to help them get by. This is most unfortunate because migrant populations do contribute to the economies of the countries where they are hosted. Hence, equal working rights for migrants and fighting other discriminations of migrants should be made a priority (UNOG, 2008)2. Another challenge to upholding human rights where transnational corporations and other business enterprises are concerned is the dire poverty mostly inexperienced in third world countries where poverty drives people to accept any kind of work. It is known that multinational corporations that are involved in labor intensive industries choose to do locate their factories where wages are much lower for unskilled workers. Furthermore, those living in countries where there is extreme poverty also do without basic human rights
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